The Best Monuments in Washington, D.C.

Robert Wilder

As the capitol of the United States, Washington D.C. is the prime location for historic dedications and those who have made significant strides in their lives are commemorated with a monument to remember their triumphs for their country. Read on for the Best Monuments in Washington, D.C.


1. Washington Monument


© Brian Holland / Flickr
The Washington Monument, located on the picturesque National Mall, was erected in 1885 to commemorate George Washington. In 1888, the monument was considered the tallest structure in the world until the Eiffel Tower was built a year later. Many intricate and artistic moldings can be found on the inside, and there are tours available that explore each molding. The Washington Monument is located in a prime location with the Smithsonian Museum and the Holocaust Museum just a short walk away. Washington Monument, 2 15th St NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 426-6841

2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial


FDR Memorial
© Matt Wade / Flickr
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial stands as a dedication to the late president and the time period in which he served. The monument is located across 7.5 acres and contains four outdoor rooms depicting every term of Roosevelt’s service. The memorial includes handicapped access and is easily maneuverable for all visitors. The monument also contains man-made waterfalls and various inscriptions that are carved into the stone throughout the memorial. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, 1850 West Basin Dr SW Washington, DC 20242 (202) 426-6841

3. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

Memorial, Park

First opened in 2011, The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial celebrates the achievements of the late Civil Rights activist. The memorial sits across four acres of land and is only the fourth memorial to honor a non-president. The memorial is adjacent to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, and is just a short distance away from the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials. The statue of King is carved from two large boulders labeled ‘Hope’ and ‘Despair.’ Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, 1964 Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20024, (202) 426-6841

4. Lincoln Memorial

Building, Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

The architecture of the Lincoln Memorial always leaves visitors in awe. The building was modeled after a Greek Doric temple, with President Lincoln’s The Gettysburg Address and Second Inaugural Address inscribed on the walls. The massive statue of the late president serves as the centerpiece of the memorial and depicts him sitting in a chair facing forward. The original sculptor of the statue was deaf, and sculpted the statue so that Lincoln’s hands spell his initials in sign language. Lincoln Memorial, 2 Lincoln Memorial Cir NW Washington, DC 20037, (202) 426-6841

Vietnam Veterans Memorialtreewoman8/Flickr

5. Vietnam Veterans Memorial


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the United States service members who died in service in Vietnam, and the list of service members includes those that were found and those who were not. The memorial consists of three parts including the Three Servicemen, Vietnam Women, and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. The Veterans Memorial Wall is not visible from the street, and lists the names of veterans in chronological order according to when they died. In 2007, The Memorial Wall was named in the top ten list of America’s Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 5 Henry Bacon Dr NW Washington, DC 20245, (202) 426-6841

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