The 5 Best Tours and Excursions From Washington, DC

Explore pivotal sites of the American Civil War at Gettysburg
Explore pivotal sites of the American Civil War at Gettysburg | © William S. Kuta / Alamy Stock Photo
Chloe Byrne

Leave behind milky monuments, suited politicians and imposing federal architecture and venture to places beyond the reach of Washington, DC’s powerful buzz. As the capital of the US, the city is a political hub surrounded by miles of land speckled with historical remnants including colonial architecture and battlefields. Walk in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers, breathe in the heady aromas of sprawling vineyards or see where the pivotal Battle of Gettysburg was fought on these dynamic tours and excursions.

1. Gettysburg Day Trip from Washington, DC

Activities, Tours

Unearth America’s deepest historic roots on this transporting day trip of Gettysburg. Traveling by coach through the rolling countryside, you will learn how the 1863 battle turned the tide in the Civil War. The conflict is chronicled through enlightening stops at sites such as the Shriver House Museum – the restored 1860 home was situated in the bloodthirsty heart of the battle, with two sharpshooters meeting their untimely end in its attic. The climax of the tour is the battlefield itself, with a miniature military diorama depicting the event, and on-site experts who help bring it to life.

3. All-Inclusive Northern Virginia Wine Country Tour

Activities, Tours

Sip your way through wine country on this small-group tour that takes you through vineyards twisted with grape vines and into the crisp, cool cellars of their accompanying wineries. Stopping at three acclaimed wineries scattered across the foothills of Northern Virginia, you’ll be given the chance to sample a diverse selection of reds and whites with fruity and earthy undertones to suit all tastes. Snacks and bottled water are at hand along the way, while an in-the-know guide doubles as your chauffeur to seamlessly ferry you between stops.

5. NOVA Brew Tour

Tours, Activities

A perfect excuse to unleash your inner brewhound and indulge in a few pints (for variety’s sake) this deluxe tour takes you behind the scenes of four different breweries. Each has a story to tell about their distinct brewing process, showcasing the product’s transformation from its grain beginnings, through fermentation and eventually on to the final pint you gulp down in the taproom. Once you’ve had a glimpse behind the curtain, you’ll be treated to tastings of the hoppy concoctions – a hand-crafted selection of refreshing pale ales, barrel-aged brews and the golden hues of Belgian beers.

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