Then and Now: Can You Recognize Washington, D.C., from These Old Pictures?

Nicole Hampton

Although Washington, D.C., is a baby city compared to somewhere like Shanghai, it is still relatively old. And even through renovations and reconstructions, the history of it is still maintained. If the statues and museums weren’t a clue, respecting history is kind of D.C.’s thing. D.C. doesn’t typically demolish the old buildings but rather builds atop them to create a more safe, effective and aesthetically pleasing Washington, D.C., while maintaining the past within the foundation. Take a look at these old and new pictures to see how much the city of D.C. has transformed over the years.
National Press Building
529 14th St NW Washington DC, USA

National Press Building


National Press Building

Thomas Circle
Thomas Circ NW Washington DC, USA

Thomas Circle


Thomas Circle

The Capitol
East Capitol St NE & First St SE, Washington, DC, USA

The Capitol


The Capitol

Old Patent Office/ Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture
Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture Washington, Dc, USA

Old Patent Office


Old Patent Office

French Embassy
4101 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC, USA

French Embassy


Embassy of France

Old Ebbitt Grill
675 15th St NW, Washington, DC, USA

Old Ebbit Grill


Old Ebbit Grill

Northern Liberty Market/ City Vista
475 K St NW, Washington, DC, USA

Northern Liberty Market


City Vista

Pennsylvania Avenue
Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Washington DC, USA

Pennsylvania Avenue


Pennsylvania Avenue

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC, USA

White House


White House

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