26 Epic Things to Do in Rome for an Unforgettable Vacation

Churches packed with masterpieces, fantastical piazzas with glorious fountains, the finest ice cream in the world – you could spend an eternity exploring Rome. But no matter how long you’ve got in the capital of Italy, these are the best things to do.
Look through the Peephole
Natural Feature
The Aventine Hill rises above the Testaccio district, full of ochre buildings and shaded by the distinctive Mediterranean pine trees of Rome. Walk through its shady avenues and you’ll find the Priorato di Malta, where the walls are decorated with symbolic carvings. Designed by the architect and artist Piranesi, it also serves as the base for the religious group, the Order of Malta. Its large bronze doorway is always shut, but has a tiny keyhole; lean down, put your eye to it and you’ll be rewarded with the sight of St Peter’s Basilica, framed by an avenue of trees.
Gaze at the heavens through the Pantheon’s Oculus
Building, Church

Eat grattachecca on the banks of the Tiber River
Natural Feature
Wander along the banks of the river during summer and you’ll be able to try a sweet treat with a difference. Grattachecca, which literally means scratchy, is like a much rougher version of a granita that originates in Rome. The ice is scratched by hand, then flavoured with syrup or juice and topped by fresh fruit.
Hire bikes and cycle around Villa Borghese
Botanical Garden, Museum

Visit the top level of the Colosseum
Historical Landmark, Architectural Landmark

Have an authentic Roman pizza at a 'pizzeria'
Pizzeria, Italian
Rome’s pizza is distinctive; it’s wood-fired, laden with toppings and has a thin crust. The city is filled with classic pizzerias; look for the places that are permanently packed, with paper tablecloths, delicious fresh pizza slammed down by waiters on a mission, and reasonable prices. You can’t go wrong with pizza in Rome, but the best places include Da Remo in Testaccio, Da Ivo and Ai Marmi in Trastevere, and Li Rioni near the Colosseum.
Go bar hopping in Pigneto
Architectural Landmark
To the east of the central city, Pigneto has a history as a working-class suburb. With low-rise apartments and a central market street, this is still a neighbourhood with an authentic Roman residential vibe during the day; but the night is when things really come alive. Around 10 years ago, artists and students moved into this inexpensive area, and it morphed into the most interesting nightlife district in Rome. Craft beer shops, such as Birra Più, and cocktail bars, such as Co.So, line the streets, and there are a scattering of artsy venues where you can find events such as poetry slams and live jazz.
Visit the Roman frescoes in the National Rome Museum
There are many astounding ancient Roman remains in the city, but to see something a little different, head to the National Rome Museum in Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. Near the Termini station, this museum gives a glimpse of the colour which would have decorated the stone ruins. These are roomfuls of ancient Roman imperial interior decoration; check out the beautiful paintings from Villa di Livia that depict a paradisiacal garden, with blue-green walls, naturalistic plants, fruit and birds.
Meander around Monti
Architectural Landmark
This suburb close to the Colosseum is one of the most charming areas in the city; it’s filled with small boutiques, cosy bars and chic restaurants, with a scattering of hotels and Airbnbs. You could spend a whole day wandering these pretty streets; start with a morning coffee, enjoy a lazy lunch in one of the street-side cafes, and return for evening cocktails as the sun sinks. The shops are excellent for browsing; Monti is the best place in Rome for affordable fashion by independent designers, vintage clothing and unique accessories.
Visit the Vatican Museums by night

Climb up St Peter’s dome
Architectural Landmark, Historical Landmark

Climbing up the dome of St Peter’s Basilica is an experience in itself – especially if you take the stairs. If you don’t choose to tackle the 231 steps, there’s a lift to the first floor, where you’ll be rewarded by views over the gilded interior. You’ll also be able to gaze down over the baldachin (canopy) created by Bernini – the artist and architect used bronze melted from the tiles that used to cover the Pantheon. From here you can then climb another 320 steps up a narrow spiralling staircase to view the panoramas across the piazza and the Vatican City.
Trajan’s Markets
Historical Landmark

Trajan’s Markets is a remarkable complex of ancient stores, administrative offices and alleyways that dates back to around 110CE. While historians debate whether or not it was actually a market, there’s no doubting that the covered area was the model for today’s shopping malls. Constructed by Emperor Trajan, one of Rome’s most industrious rulers, the ancient alleyways and multi-level offices at the complex give visitors a chance to step into the everyday life of ancient Romans. This tour also grants access to the onsite Imperial Forum Museum. Recommended by James Taylor.
Roman Forum
Archaeological site, Ruins, Historical Landmark

Once the centre of public life in ancient Rome, the Roman Forum is an impressive set of ruins and among the most important archaeological areas in the world. Dating back to the seventh century BCE, the site is filled with crumbling remains of Roman temples and government buildings. Most important among the ruins are the Temple of Caesar, the Arch of Titus and the Sacred Way, the road down which the Roman centurions would march when returning home from battle. Recommended by James Taylor.
Domus Aurea
If you know only one thing about Emperor Nero, know this: the man was famed for incredible acts of self-indulgence. Domus Aurea is his golden imperial estate, the most aesthetically overwhelming buildings at the time and a testament to his gaudy reputation. Now an active archaeological site, digital re-creations of what the estate would have looked like in its heyday (think intricate mosaics, resplendent artificial lakes and colourful frescoes) allow you to catch a glimpse into the mind of the opulent Emperor Nero. Recommended by James Taylor.
Castel Sant’Angelo
Historical Landmark

Circo Massimo
Historical Landmark

Home of chariot racing in the sixth century, Circo Massimo once held up to 250,000 spectators and was among the most important public spaces in Rome. On top of the races, it also hosted classic gladiator battles in front of the roaring crowds. Today, the city still holds large outdoor concerts in the space, which lies at the base of the Palatine and Aventine Hills, both of which provide panoramic views over the ancient city. Recommended by James Taylor.
Baths of Caracalla
Archaeological site, Historical Landmark

In a city that once had hundreds of public bath complexes, Terme di Caracalla is among the most important and impressive ones that remain. Constructed in the third century, the original bath complex covered up to 25ha (62 acres), the second largest in the whole of Rome. Today, the central bathhouse makes up most of the remains. The Rome Opera even hosts impressive musical and ballet performances inside the ruins. Recommended by James Taylor.
Villa Farnesina
Capitoline Museums

Museum of the Ara Pacis
The Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace) is a large marble sculpture built in the year 9BCE during the reign of Emperor Augustus. As Rome’s first emperor, Augustus led its transition from a republic to an empire after the assassination of his great-uncle, Julius Caesar, ushering in one of the longest eras of relative peace in Roman history. The altar is now housed inside the Ara Pacis Museum, a contemporary glass building (the only one built in Rome’s historic centre since World War II) designed by American architect Richard Meier. Recommended by James Taylor.
Piazza Navona

The Spanish Steps
Historical Landmark

Piazza Venezia
Historical Landmark

Another of the most important squares in Rome, the Piazza Venezia lies in the heart of the city, with important historical buildings, museums and art galleries surrounding it. At its centre is the eye-catching Vittoriano Memorial, honouring Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of a united Italy. Most impressive of the buildings is the Palazzo Venezia, where Mussolini would famously make his speeches from the balcony of the Globe Room to roaring crowds below. The palazzo is now a museum dedicated to Renaissance art, ancient bronze statues and Medieval weaponry. Recommended by James Taylor.
Campo de’ Fiori
Bakery, Italian

For those looking to experience everyday Roman life, visiting Campo de’ Fiori is a must. During the day, this piazza hosts one of the most popular markets in the city, where residents go to stock up on fresh produce from the surrounding countryside. Campo de’ Fiori translates to “field of flowers”, referencing the time before the market’s development in the 15th century when it was simply a field where public executions took place. Among those who were executed was the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, a statue of whom now stands in the centre of the square. Recommended by James Taylor.
Piazza del Popolo
Historical Landmark

Trevi Fountain
Historical Landmark

An impressive example of baroque architecture, the Trevi Fountain is among the most famous fountains in the world. It contains sculptures of many different fabled figures and wild horses, made from white travertine stone. Don’t forget to toss a coin into the water before you leave; this ensures that you’ll return to Rome in the future. Recommended by James Taylor.
Trips and Tours in Italy
Architectural Landmark

Planning the holiday of a lifetime in Italy? You may be focused on the capital and other great cities like Milan, Florence and Venice, or be more interested in the country’s many natural bounties – from snow-capped mountains and rural vineyards to spectacular coastlines and volcanic islands – or perhaps you want a little bit of both! Whatever your ideal itinerary, we’re pretty confident you’ll find it among our epic collection of multi-day trips in Italy.