The Most Beautiful Beaches in Tayrona National Park, Colombia

There are many idyllic Caribbean beaches in Tayrona National Park, Colombia
There are many idyllic Caribbean beaches in Tayrona National Park, Colombia | © DC_Colombia / iStock / Getty Images
Chris Bell

Tayrona National Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Colombian Caribbean, with both foreigners and locals – and with good reason. The combination of wild jungles and paradisiacal shorelines makes for a truly unique destination that appeals to beachgoers, hikers and nature lovers alike. So here are the most beautiful beaches in Tayrona National Park to inspire you to visit one of the true paradises in Colombia.

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Cabo San Juan

By far the most recognizable of the many beaches in Tayrona, Cabo San Juan is the most popular one with tourists, due to its stunning setting, ample accommodation options and the fact that you can also swim there – something that isn’t common in Tayrona, due to the treacherous currents in the area. Consisting of two gorgeous white-sand beaches that seem to mirror each other, overlooked by the famous hammock hut on a small hill jutting out into the sea, Cabo is visually stunning and justifiably popular.

The two beaches at Cabo San Juan look like they mirror each other


One of the lesser-known beaches in Tayrona, it is also one of the longest and most impressive ones. Cañaveral lies further to the east of the park, in an area rarely visited by most travelers, but it is well worth the short detour to spend some time wandering along its isolated sands. Bordered to the west by the expensive and luxurious Ecohabs, the beach is another non-swimming affair, but don’t let that put you off of making a visit – it’s a spectacular stretch of sand and leads to the lovely, and barely trodden, Nine Stones hike along the eastern cliffs of the park.

Playa Cañaveral is one of the lesser-known beaches in Tayrona National Park


One of the largest beaches in Tayrona National Park, Arrecifes is another one of the more popular sandy destinations in the park, due to its location roughly equidistant from the park entrance and Cabo San Juan. It is also home to some campsites and small restaurants. Visitors cannot swim at Arrecifes – as a prominent sign warns you, there have been at least 100 deaths by drowning here – but it is a stunningly beautiful spot, with panoramic views of jungle-covered mountains, as well as amazing sunset vistas.

Arrecifes Beach is one of the largest beaches in Tayrona National Park

La Piscina

La Piscina is another one of the most sought-after beaches in the park, for the simple reason that – in case you hadn’t guessed – you can also swim here. Its name, translating to “the swimming pool”, is a reflection of its calm and tranquil waters, caused by an offshore reef, which protects the area from the worst of famous and deadly currents in Tayrona. It’s a pretty little stretch of beach, divided into several hidden coves by rocky outcrops jutting into the sea, and it is often full of sunbathers and snorkelers enjoying the warm waters and colorful tropical fish in the bay.

You can go swimming at La Piscina Beach in Tayrona National Natural Park


Castilletes lies even further to the east of the park than the aforementioned Cañaveral and is even more unknown by most travelers. It’s easy to reach, however – a signposted turn-off from the main entrance road indicates the simple cabins and hammock accommodation offered at the beach. It is, therefore, the quickest sandy shoreline to visit from the entrance. It’s another non-swimming locale, but its wild beauty and isolation more than make up for that. It is also reachable via the Nine Stones hike.

Castilletes Beach beckons with its wild beauty

The Nudist Beach

A short walk through some arid, scrubby forest in Cabo San Juan is a nudist beach. Don’t be put off by the name, though – it’s not exactly bursting at the seams with naked beachgoers and is easily long enough to find a quiet section if you do fancy stripping off away from potentially prying eyes. It is also a truly lovely beach. Surrounded by jungle-clad mountains, the waves can be wild – lifeguards are on hand to indicate whether swimming is allowed – but the scenery is wonderful and well worth the short walk from Cabo.

The Nudist Beach in Tayrona National Park is framed by verdant mountains

Playa Cristal

Playa Cristal lies in a different part of Tayrona National Park than the other sandy shores listed, and it’s an ideal destination to include in a day trip from nearby Taganga or Santa Marta. These trips also take in the beautiful Playa Siete Olas (Seven Waves Beach) and involve some hiking and a boat ride. The reward for your effort, though, is a lovely and secluded stretch of sand, which only allows up to 300 visitors a day, which is relatively calm compared to the busy beaches of Cabo San Juan or La Piscina.

Playa Cristal awaits with its sandy shores

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