19 Photos That Prove Oman is Surrounded by Amazing Natural Beauty

Although Oman is located in a small southeastern corner of the Arab Peninsula, it hosts some of the most beautiful natural habitats in the Arab countries. Whether on land, beneath the deep seas or high in the skies, these photos are proof of why Oman is the perfect escape for all nature lovers.
This photo shows some of the famous sand dunes of the Wahiba Desert. As part of the Arab Peninsula, the Omani lands are filled with these golden sands across its sprawling deserts.

Wadi means valley in Arabic. Wadi Bani Khalid is one of the most famous wadis in Oman which attracts local and international visitors all year around.

If ever a country deserves to be called The Country of the Mountains, it must be Oman. Omani people have built cities high up in the mountains, excavated roads through them, and even planted them to facilitate their lives, and attract visitors.

As famous as the Omani mountains, there are the palm trees. Almost every Omani house has its own farm of palm trees. Although all palm trees might look the same, they produce different tasty kinds of dates every year.

Oman is surrounded by the sea from three different directions, which makes it a natural host for a lot of the most breathtaking beaches and crystal waters.

Oman’s natural beauty is not all visible on first glance. There are some beautiful natural gems that require enthusiasts to search and explore, like these marvelous caves.

Omani natural gems are also hidden in its deep seas. From coral reefs to fish, turtles and sea creatures, Omani waters are full of endless wonders to be explored.

The diversity of animals and wildlife creatures, is another of Oman’s wonderful natural assets. Whether on land, in the air, or deep under the sea, visitors always fall in love with Oman’s natural biodiversity.

Another great reason for natural lovers to visit Oman is that Omani people respect nature. In other words, they build natural habitats, apply laws and rules, and punish those who harm or destroy the natural world. That’s why visitors can enjoy seeing animals, birds and plants all around them, and not just from behind glass or inside cages.

Salalah is a city located in the southern part of Oman, in Dhofar’s region, and it is one of the most beautiful natural havens on Earth. Unlike the other regions of the country, Salalah gets its rainy verdant season starting from July until late September every year. That’s when they plan their Autumn Festival that attracts tourists from all over the globe.

Given the rocky nature of Oman, it offers plenty of places for hiking and camping, while enjoying the lovely sands, beautiful green areas, amazing animals and creatures as well as its gorgeous skies and plentiful stars.