16 Foods Only British People Really Understand

British restaurants are some of the best in the world, but let’s not forget the classics we grew up with. Here, then, are 16 dishes that only really make sense to Brits.
The full English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish breakfast
THE hangover cure that the entire family of nations relies on – that and orange Lucozade.

Yorkshire pudding
A huge fluffy pillow made from batter, perfect for soaking up the gravy from your Sunday roast.

Toad in the hole
Yorkshire pudding’s other job, thick meaty sausages baked into the batter as it cooks.

Deep-fried Mars bar
A fine Scottish delicacy that, had it been invented by the Swiss, would no doubt be a Bake Off technical round by now.

Chicken parmo
Sounds Italian, but is actually from Middlesborough. Chicken breast beaten flat, coated in breadcrumbs, fried, and then covered in white sauce and cheese.

Pasty barm
The food that put Bolton on the map… the carb-loading obesity map.

Rather unfortunate name for these lovely balls from the Midlands, similar to the French rissoles.

Gentleman’s relish
A grey, salty paste made from fermented anchovies – honestly, it’s delicious.

Brown sauce
Essential condiment for a bacon butty, sadly now no longer made in the UK.

Scotch egg
An English breakfast of egg, sausage and bread, compressed into a handy sphere, perfect for picnics.

Jellied eels
Cockney cab driver fuel, Guv.

Chips and curry sauce
East meets west in the original British fusion food.

Mushy peas
Peas, cooked down to a mush, yet still vivid green thanks to hefty amounts of totally safe food colouring, also known as Northern guacamole.

Salad cream
Because your Gran never got to grips with mayonnaise.

Slathered in butter, the ultimate comfort food for a Saturday afternoon.

Spotted dick
Hilariously named stodgy pud, remember to always slather it in custard.

Eccles cakes
Affectionately known as a squashed fly pie, and, oddly, best served with cheese.