6 Bolivian Artists And Where to Find Them

Bolivia has produced a number of talented artists over the years, many of whom draw inspiration from the nation’s indigenous traditions. Mamani Mamani is the most well known, having taken the world by storm with his cheery and colorful paintings. But there are many more who are worthy of mention. From classical sculptors to eccentric painters, take a look at the best of Bolivian artists and where to see their work.
Roberto Mamani Mamani
Arguably the biggest name in Bolivian art, Roberto Mamani Mamani is an indigenous Aymara whose artwork incorporates the symbols and traditions of his forefathers. Mamani Mamani is instantly recognizable for his bright, colorful style with Andean subjects such as cholitas, condors and the moon. He studied law at university but continued to pursue his true love of art, eventually putting on exhibitions around the globe in places like Japan, the United States and Germany. His art can be seen at several galleries throughout Bolivia, although his most impressive recent work is a series of massive murals painted on the community housing project Condominio Whipala in El Alto.
Galería Mamani Mamani, Calle Jaén 710, La Paz, Bolivia, +591 2 2906294
Galería Mamani Mamani, Calle España Nro. 1248 esquina c/ Colombia, Cochabamba, Bolivia,+ 591 79797375
Galería Mamani Mamani, Calle Rafael Peña 66F, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, + 591 73082988
Condominio Whipala, Avenida 9 de Agosto, El Alto, Bolivia
Juan Bustillos
Born in Caranavi in Bolivia’s subtropical Yungas region, Juan Bustillos is the country’s best contemporary sculptor for his seemingly endless collection of life-size sculpted animals made from timber and steel. These days he’s based in Santa Cruz, where the house he shares with his Japanese wife has been converted into a wonderfully quirky museum. Bustillos helped fund the city’s premier art gallery, Manzana Uno, where some of his work can also be seen. As his collection began to grow, he decided to open another art space called Búho Blanco in the small town of San Javier in the Chiquitos region.
Manzana Uno, Independencia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, +591 76003552
Búho Blanco, San Javier, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Marina Núñez del Prado

Graciela Rodo Boulanger
Sonia Falcone

Roberto Valcarcel