The Best Bars In Bogotá, Colombia

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Eve Bidmead

Colombia’s biggest and busiest city, Bogotá is a great place to go for a drink. From classy cocktails to classic British pints, Colombia’s capital has everything you need to quench your thirst. We have compiled a list of the ten best bars to enjoy the city’s nightlife.

El Inglés

While you probably didn’t head to Bogotá in search of British food or drink, El Inglés is a great place to go to for a taste of Blighty. Just walking through the door and seeing all the posters of the Beatles, British beer and UK football teams is enough to transport anyone back to Britain, and that’s before you’ve even had a pint. Serving up an array of great British beers on draft, you should swing by on a weekend and enjoy a knees up, English roast, complete with Yorkshire puddings.

Bogota Beer Company

A popular chain throughout Colombia, the Bogota Beer Company (BBC, as it’s referred to) is a great place to gather with friends and share a huge pitcher of artisan beer. If you don’t know what type to choose, the friendly staff will bring you a tasting platter to assist you in choosing your perfect pint. This branch in the Parque 93 is always buzzing, every night of the week.

El Monje

If you’re bored with swigging back aguardiente, Colombia’s own version of Sambucca and very much a nationwide loved drink, head over to El Monje for some quality beers from all around the world. With such a vast list to choose from you may be overwhelmed, but fret not, the expert owner and staff will be more than happy to advise you, and will guarantee you drink your beer in the correct type of glass. Just as well, because they’ve got nearly 100 different types of glasses.

La Mina

If during your time in Bogotá you didn’t manage to go on the day-trip to Zipaquirá’s salt cathedral, an hour north of the city, don’t worry, you can visit La Mina as the next best thing, as the sloping grey ceilings and rock covered walls are all inspired by the famous Cathedral. Serving a fantastic variety of drinks, La Mina offers an impressive list of 400 different wines and counts an even more impressive 73 martinis on their cocktail list.

Yumi Yumi

Famous for its great value happy hour, Yumi Yumi offers a three-for-one deal four days a week until 6:30pm, and the deal impressively stretches out until 9:30pm Saturday. Not only are the drinks great value, they’re also delicious; be sure to try the passion fruit mojito. Or why not just have three? They are on offer, after all!

Andrés Carnes de Res

Andres Carne de Res restaurant

The one hour journey to reach this restaurant and bar, located in Chía, deters nobody from entering the strange and wonderful world that is Andrés Carne de Res. An odd combo of the ultimate party place and fine dining, this place has an incredible atmosphere with great music from live bands throughout the night. The drinks here are as quirky as the place itself, and although they are not cheap, they will certainly make your travel worth it. Why not get the party started on the way over and come in a chiva (party bus) with friends?

Club Colombia

Club Colombias specialty are their incredible cocktails using local fruits, such as the corozo martini or lulada envenenada. Corozo is a tart berry which makes for a killer martini, and the lulada envenenada is a play on a much loved slushie popular in Cali, made with lulo, a fruit very similar to kiwi. Envenenada translates as poison, but don’t worry, that just refers to the rum.

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