Cat Yoga With New York's Rescues is the Sweetest Way to Sweat
The diversity of New York’s yoga scene is virtually unparalleled. The city offers an incarnation of the ancient practice to suit every taste, from candlelit hip hop vinyasa, to multi-sensory experiential flows. And now, on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, the city’s first cat cafe is offering a yoga class that benefits felines and humans alike.
Meow Parlor is a cat cafe with a resident clowder, all of which are rescues from diverse backgrounds and that live in harmony (most of the time) under one roof. Every inch of the space is designed with this makeshift feline family in mind, from hidden nooks to lofty perches. Cat toys, hanging out of boxes, wiggle and shimmy like prey.
The cafe’s staff work with KittyKind, a volunteer-run rescue group dedicated to rehousing New York’s abandoned and unwanted felines—those who are scooped up off the streets or whose owners can no longer look after them.
Customers can pop in for play time over coffee and pastries, or reserve a table and use Meow Parlor as a work space for the day, tackling projects between tummy rubs.
After cafe hours on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays Meow Parlor transforms into a yoga space. Claw-marked mats are unfurled and a small, intimate class is taught.
The cats roam between, around—and occasionally over—the yogis. However, given that attendees are predominantly cat ladies, these asana interruptions are welcome.
The yoga class is bookended with kitty quality time, and should you develop a soft spot for a particular cat, you can apply to adopt him or her. All the cats at Meow Parlor are looking for loving homes.
In summary, cat yoga will leave you feeling good physically and emotionally. By doing something good for yourself, you’re contributing towards a cat’s continued sanctuary.
Where do you want to go next?
Experience NYC’s coolest high-tech yoga studio, or find out how yoga got so big here in the first place thanks to one pioneering guru.