Adventures in Wellness: The Shamanic Closet Cleanse

Colleen McCann had a flourishing career in fashion before she began hearing voices one night in a Brooklyn bodega. “Oh my God, I’ve got to check myself into a mental institution, was my first thought,” McCann says, laughing, but after consulting a psychic she rethought the asylum plan and trained with mentors from several lineages of shamanism instead.
Shamans, for those not in the know, are said to work as conduits between the seen and unseen worlds. “I talk to spirits, am able to have premonitions, and work with things that people just can’t see, and communicate on behalf of everything else that’s out there — good bad or ugly,” McCann explains.
For her New York clients—whom she describes as “type-A, lady-slayer, go-fucking-get-it female VPs, running the ship, the show, the island”—she tackles modern millennial issues with a mystical approach, everything from Valentine’s Day ex-boyfriend cleanses to intuitive business-building sessions for female entrepreneurs.
Considering McCann’s background in fashion, it’s little surprise that one of her most popular offerings is the shamanic closet cleanse, which definitely isn’t your typical wardrobe clear-out/styling session.
McCann sages every nook of your drawers and rails to banish “98% of the bad juju”, and strategically places crystals to elevate positivity and abundance. The styling part of the service is done with the help of her mysterious spirit guides, who weigh in on sartorial matters like “power colors” — the tones you should wear when you want to put your best foot forward.
Adventures in Wellness explores the interesting people and out-there experiences of New York City’s wellness scene, providing a closer look at what really makes us feel good and why.