10 Dr. Seuss Books That Stand The Test Of Time

Dr. Seuss has written 60 books in his lifetime, and many of them still withstand the test of time. Any reader, from five to 105 years old will enjoy his fun, rhyming books. From The Cat in the Hat to The Sneetches, here are his top ten books that still ring true today.
The Cat in the Hat
A fun reminder to pick up your playthings, The Cat in the Hat will bring fun to any day. With his many games and tricks, this cat’s antics are great entertainment.

Green Eggs and Ham
Upon first judgement, Green Eggs and Ham neither looks nor sounds appetizing, and the story’s main character would agree. However, this 72-page book reminds readers to try something before you judge it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it!

Horton Hatches the Egg
‘An elephant’s faithful, one hundred per cent!’ Smooth-talking Mayzie bird convinces Horton to sit on her egg while she takes a vacation, promising she’ll be right back, but after 50 weeks, Mayzie still doesn’t return! Horton risks his life for the egg Mayzie abandoned and should be a role model for all people alike. Dr. Seuss‘ moral for this one: keep your promises!

The Sneetches
Star or no star, sneetches are sneetches! At least, that’s what the sneetches of the beaches learn at the end of the story. Dr. Seuss presents a valuable lesson at the end of this story: just because someone is different, it doesn’t make them bad. Embrace your differences, and everyone will be glad.

The Lorax
Greed, ultimately, will not get you far, and the Once-ler learns this in his old age. Telling the tale of how what seems to start as a good idea ends as a terrible one, this story reminds everyone to think of the consequences before you act!

Oh the Places You’ll Go
This story is a great encouragement and notes that even when you’re down, you’re bound to get back up again. So don’t worry if you’re currently lost, as you’ll soon find where you should be – everything will work out fine.

You’re Only Old Once
Doctors can sure be a hassle sometimes, and You’re Only Old Once proves that. From ear doctors to olfactory doctors, this book reminds you that you’re fine just the way you are.

What Was I Scared Of
A floating pair of green pants with no owner is definitely scary. It’s even scarier when it seems to be following you everywhere you go. But remember, you might not be the only one who’s scared. It’s important to consider the other side’s perspective, not just yours!

Oh the Thinks You Can Think
This book celebrates the potential of an unlimited imagination. It’s great to be able to think of anything, even if it doesn’t exist yet, and Dr. Seuss proves that with the multitude of made-up words in his books.

Fox in Socks
A story in the form of a tongue-twister, mastering this book without messing up will be entertaining. From bricks to blocks to clocks, this fox in socks takes you everywhere.