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The Most Satisfying Swirls of Soft-Serve We’ve Seen This Summer

| © Manita K/Shutterstock

Most people refer to soft serve as a type of ice cream, but we’d argue that this creamy treat is its own particular category of frozen food product.
Soft serve has a decided advantage over “traditional” ice cream—and that’s those symmetric swirls, requiring a special kind of artistry, and eminently soothing and satisfying when done perfectly. So here you go: The most sublimely flawless swirls of soft-serve that we’ve seen this summer.

Aqua S, Sydney

The blue “sea salt” flavor seems to be the favorite at Aqua S.
SATURDAY ICE CREAM MOOD ☁️🍬🍦🙌🏽 Our favorite Sydney ice cream 👉🏼 📍 @aquas_au 🍦 #HungryMate 💥 @paulpayasalad
A post shared by Hungry Mate 🐨🍴🇦🇺 (@hungrymate_au) on May 26, 2017 at 8:45pm PDT
Finally tried some Aqua S ice cream! Not too bad. #seasaltandmilkhoney #yum #cravingssatisfied #sydneyeats #icecream #dessert
A post shared by Michelle Lam (@itsmeeshellee) on Jul 1, 2017 at 6:41pm PDT

Besfren, NYC

The plump orchid-bedecked swirls of taro and matcha at Besfren are almost too pretty to eat.
【New York City】 Where: Besfren What: Taro/Macha Ice Cream 🍦 ——————————————– #collegefoodaddicts #foodporn #foodgasm #foodlovers #foodie #nom #food #yummy #hungry #instafood #delicious #foodpic #nomnomnom #myfab5 #foodiegram #instafood #foodies #amazing #cuisine #spoonfeed #eatingfortheinsta #hungry #newyorkcity #icecream #macha #taro
A post shared by College Food Addicts. (@collegefoodaddicts) on Aug 20, 2017 at 1:01pm PDT
Fat #ice-cream#NYC
A post shared by Eric Tam (@hakatajo) on Aug 25, 2017 at 6:16pm PDT

Bingbox Snow Cream, NYC

Bingbox’s soft serve comes in flavors like taro, honeydew, and mango.
honeydew and taro swirl 🍦soft serve ice cream 📷 credit: @yourweekendplans only @bingboxsnowcream + @thekonery #softserve #icecream #summer #flavor #unique #honeydew #taro #pocky #waffle #redvelvet #delicious #sweet #dessert #eastvillage #nyc #dallas #bingboxsnowcream #collaboration #food #foodporn #instagood #instagram #instagood #treats #limitedtime
A post shared by Bingbox Snow Cream (@bingboxsnowcream) on Jun 27, 2017 at 1:12am PDT
Big shout-out to @jillianselzer 👍Check out her @cosmopolitan 24 soft serve spots you need to try ASAP… Huge honor making her list!! @bingboxsnowcream @thekonery #softserve #icecream #instagram #instafood #nyc #dallas #delicious #food #foodie #dessert #summer #hot #must #eat #feature #honor #waffle #fruitypebbles #photo #look #cosmopolitan #bingboxsnowcream #celebration #weekend #hot #more #fun
A post shared by Bingbox Snow Cream (@bingboxsnowcream) on Aug 25, 2017 at 9:44am PDT

Ca Lem, Montreal

Check out Ca Lem’s vivid swirls in flavors like passionfruit and watermelon.
🍉 #icecream 🍦 #nofilterneeded @alyssa.corey90 @anhtd01
A post shared by Jenny Yan (@papercutjy) on Aug 25, 2017 at 1:47pm PDT
You know how ice cream would always looks so delicious and whacky in cartoons from our childhoods? Well I finally have my closure and it’s out of this 🌎, Thank you for making my summer that much more fruity and refreshing @calemcreamery 💜💛 #taro#passionfruit . #Repost @karolinaska
A post shared by CA LEM Creamery (@calemcreamery) on Aug 17, 2017 at 9:05pm PDT

Drips & Swirls, Los Angeles

These gorgeously garnished soft-serve cones from Drips & Swirls are available in flavors like charcoal rice and Korean melon.
@imalicekim took a picture that’s as awesome as this soft serve tastes! Hand crafted and beautiful!!! #dripsandswirls #allflavornogimmicks #SoftServe #SoftServeIceCream #icecream #ktownla
A post shared by Drips & Swirls (@drips.swirls) on Aug 1, 2017 at 9:03pm PDT
@tableforchin took amazing photos of our soft serve! HAPPY NATIONAL ICE CREAM DAY! Who’s coming to eat our handcrafted soft serve?! Don’t get fooled by words like “organic” and “true milk!” If it isn’t handcrafted with real milk, without powders, and binders its not REAL soft serve! @drips.swirls got your back! Today we have two past favorites in! Come by and try them! #dripsandswirls #SoftServeIceCream #allflavornogimmicks #losangeles #thebestsoftserve
A post shared by Drips & Swirls (@drips.swirls) on Jul 16, 2017 at 10:55am PDT

iHalo Krunch, Toronto

iHalo Krunch’s “black on black” may be the most popular order, but we love the vibrant swirls of charcoal-coconut and ube.
Trying out @ihalokrunch soft serve ice cream. Yum 👍
A post shared by E & H (@eh615) on Aug 27, 2017 at 3:33pm PDT
Activated Charcoal Coconut and Ube Soft Serve – Ihalo Krunch . If I can be completely honest with you, I actually did kind of like this! You’d think, it’s overhyped and overrated – but I thought the product itself was worthy of such boasting on their end. Very tasty and creamy. But I must warm you, your lips will be black so bring that emergency stash of tissue with you. 8.5/10 . #foodie #foodporn #foodphotography #foodblog #foodblogger #foodstagram #instafood #tdoteats #indulgetoronto #tastetoronto #blogto #tofoodies #craveto #foodpornTO #torontoblogger #hungry416 #foodieaf #foodshot #igfoodie #foodography #tos_finest #foodiepics #foodpicture #food52 @curiocitytoronto @thrillist @canadianliving @tastetoronto #torontofood #torontofoodblogger #markhamfoodblogger #TOSweettooth @ihalokrunch
A post shared by Jas, Feed Me! (@jasfeedme) on Aug 15, 2017 at 9:27am PDT

Kem CoBa, Montreal

We love the looks of Kem CoBa’s passionfruit twist… and the manicure in the second photo too.
Still the best soft serve in town at @kemcoba. Worth the lineup and, to be honest, the line moves quite fast. Insider tip: grab a warm Fairmount bagel on your way there to eat while you wait in line. The bagel shop is right next door. Very convenient 😂 #mtlmoments #thismtl #mymontreal #icecreamaddict #icecreamshop #softserve #passionpassport #passionfruit #twist #thebakefeed #dailyhivemtl #fbcigers #youmakeitamazing #travelingcones #f52grams #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #iscreamforicecream #thisismyfood #vanillabean #madewithlove #eatlocal #carbsarelife #igersmtl #weekendvibes #yellow #tastemontreal
A post shared by Janice Lawandi (@kitchenhealssoul) on Aug 27, 2017 at 7:18pm PDT
Vive l’été et ses cornets de crème glacée 😋🍦C’est encore meilleur quand ton vernis match avec la saveur que t’as choisie 🙌🏻 ! On a eu un coup de coeur pour la collection Cuba Craze des vernis Miracle Gel de @sallyhansenca, tellement qu’on a décidé d’appliquer toutes les couleurs sur nos ongles hihi. En plus ils sont ultra résistants sans même besoin d’une lampe UV ni d’aller au salon 💅🏻 Parfait quand on a pas l’temps de niaiser comme nous!! On veut aussi vous laisser savoir que @sallyhansenca vous offre la chance de gagner un voyage pour 2 personnes à Cuba d’une valeur de 2000$ 😱! Pour participer, cliquez sur le lien dans notre bio pour remplir le formulaire d’inscription. Concours ouvert aux résidents canadiens de plus de 18 ans et plus. Le concours prend fin le 30 juillet et le ou la gagnante sera annoncé le 15 août! #ad #miraclegel #cubacraze
A post shared by Marianne & Gabrielle (@2epeau) on Jun 9, 2017 at 12:15pm PDT

Little Damage, Los Angeles

Not sure whether we’re more into Little Damage’s monochromatic palette or their Technicolor look, tbh.
Time is running out for Dark Cinns! Try this activated charcoal ice cream before we switch it out for a new BLACK ice cream🖤 @little.damage 📸: @hazelllemus
A post shared by Little Damage Ice Cream shop🍴🌍 (@little.damage) on Jul 7, 2017 at 6:38pm PDT
Lick it real good 👅 @little.damage’s Spicy Mango Tango 🌶 swirled with Unicorn Tears 💧🦄 is the perfect solution to the midweek slump!
A post shared by Little Damage Ice Cream shop🍴🌍 (@little.damage) on Aug 23, 2017 at 6:42pm PDT

Roll Up Creamery & Cafe, San Francisco

The cones from Roll Up Creamery & Café are so perfect they almost look like cartoons.
Swirl Swirl Swirl ! Grab your friends this Sunday and get a BOGO free soft serve ! Thank you @amberlowey for a wonderful pic ! #icecreamnationalday #bogofree #rollup #rollupcreamery #sfeater #yelp#ube#swirl#cone#bogo#rollup#sanfrancisco #sf#
A post shared by Roll Up Creamery & Cafe (@rollupcreamerycafe) on Aug 17, 2017 at 9:26pm PDT
I’ll stop the world and melt with you🎶 🍴 @rollupcreamerycafe 📍 San Francisco, CA . . . . . . . #icecoffee #nails💅 #icecream #summerday #foodie #foodcoma #fancyfood #eatfamous #hangry #foodpics #nomnom #feastagram #dessertporn #bonappetit #noleftovers #foodporn #fashionfood #instafood #lovefood #forkyeah #grandopening #tryitordiet #desserttable #dinela #feedme #igfood #foodblogger #swirl #creamy #feedfeed
A post shared by Sachi (幸) // Bay Area Foodie (@foodandsachi) on Aug 15, 2017 at 10:21am PDT

Soft Swerve, NYC

The soft-serve artists at Soft Swerve are masters of symmetry.
🍦 #BestIEverHad #MatchaBlackSesameSwirl
A post shared by Stephani (@stephanivalerie) on Aug 16, 2017 at 7:08pm PDT
We made it. Let the eating continue. ______________________________________________ #softswerve #matcha #blacksesame #chocolatecone #chinatown #nyc #taterstakemanhattan #eatnyc #swirl #roadtrip #laststop
A post shared by erin okada. (@therealcaptaineo) on Aug 27, 2017 at 7:37pm PDT
Ube selfish if you ate both cones! Tag ice cream bae. #softswerve 📸: @hungrynini
A post shared by Soft Swerve (@softswervenyc) on Jul 20, 2017 at 3:37pm PDT

Somi Somi, Los Angeles

Somi Somi’s soft serve comes in fun fish-shaped taiyaki cones.
Yeah, I’m into fitness. Fitness whole ice cream in my mouth. 🤓🍦
A post shared by NATALIE LAI (@natalie.lai) on Aug 28, 2017 at 12:58pm PDT
this fulfilled my ice cream dreams – taiyaki filled with nutella, topped with ube & milk soft serve #faturday #noms #taiyaki #ube #somisomi #koreatown #losangeles
A post shared by Shannon Carey (@shancarey) on Aug 7, 2017 at 7:19pm PDT

Urban Artisan, George Town and Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Urban Artisan’s soft serve is so gorgeous we honestly could’ve done an entire post just of their cones.
Go & Grab dessert tonight at @urbanartisan_official 🍦🍰 🤤🤤😍😍
A post shared by Johor Bahru Food (@jbfood_) on Aug 19, 2017 at 7:37pm PDT
Womanizer Pure Lychee and Royal Blueberry Twist is a #MUST try flavors if you are yet to check in at #UA this month! #best #seller #signature #flavor #repost @jessie_sjc
A post shared by Urban Artisan (@urbanartisan_official) on Apr 9, 2017 at 3:05am PDT
A post shared by ☁️ (@eleenooii) on Aug 12, 2017 at 12:13am PDT
A date with bestfriend 💕👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩
A post shared by 21 | PNG 🇲🇾(official account) (@lalasasa22) on Aug 12, 2017 at 2:22am PDT

About the author

Kathryn has eaten her way around the globe, seeking out local delicacies in more than 40 countries and counting. After receiving a Master's degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she began writing about travel, food, and drink, and has held editorial roles at luxury publications including Conde Nast Traveler and the Robb Report. When she's in NYC, she can generally be found on a barstool at one of the city's best cocktail bars or at home sipping fine wine with her cat on her lap.

If you click on a link in this story, we may earn affiliate revenue. All recommendations have been independently sourced by Culture Trip.