This Amazing Map Reveals Every Country's Ultimate Personality Traits

After combing through data from more than 40 million people all across the globe, ‘16 Personalities’ has compiled the ultimate world personality map showcasing the dominant temperaments in every country on the planet.
Illustrating five contrasting personality types (extroverted vs. introverted, intuitive vs. observant, thinking vs. feeling, judging vs. perspective and assertive vs. turbulent), the maps offer fascinating insights that allow us to better comprehend, and interact with, the multitude of cultures around us.
The maps also show off some super interesting facts! For example, would you have guessed that Nicaragua is the top most extroverted country, with 57.49% of respondents being classified as such by the site’s online personality test? Conversely, Lithuania is the number one most introverted country, at 55.6%. .

When it comes to intuition, Tunisia takes the top prize with 60.7%, followed closely by Italy at 60.09%. On the other side of the coin, it’s African countries Ghana and Nigeria that take the first and second spots respectively for observance. It is worth noting that these two countries are also the world’s most judging countries (but in the opposite order).

Georgia, Russia and Belarus are the top-thinking countries, respectively, and considering their similar cultures and close proximity, this does seem to make sense. Singapore, Brunei and New Zealand are on the opposite end of the emotional spectrum as the top three feeling countries.

The numbers here are super interesting, and quite important to see from a Western-centric perspective – you may notice that the US does not come up in the top 10 for anything!

Perhaps by compiling and sharing this type of data, we will be better able to understand the world and, in turn, grow closer together as a global people.