People Are Proposing Using Avocados, Because We've Reached Peak Millennial
Just when you think we’ve reached peak avocado, the green fruit surprises us all with a crazy twist.
We’ve had avocado carving, avocado injuries and all-avocado restaurants.
Now avocado proposals are a thing.
People are using the smooth, tasty flesh of avocados as ring boxes, opening them to their potential fiancées just as if they’d open a small velvet box.
The trend started on Instagram, because of course it did. The account for Amsterdam-based FoodDeco, which frequently features photos of avocados served in innovative ways, appears to have been the first to post about the concept.
A few days before Valentine’s Day, they posted a photo of an engagement ring nestled snugly in the flesh of an opened avocado, placed in the centre, where the pit used to be.
The trend appears to have started spreading like avocado on hot toast, with people around the world jumping on the band wagon.
We’re fascinated with how those using the technique keep their avocados so green, and how they get the ring inside without their partners noticing.
Would you propose using an avocado?