Meet The Founder of FabCafé Barcelona, Cecilia Tham

FabCafé is a one of a kind concept: half café, half creative working space that offers a very special service – 3D printing. The concept originates from Japan, where the first FabCafé was founded in 2011. A little over three years after, the first European FabCafé opened its doors near Barcelona’s Arc De Triomf. Meet Cecilia Tham, a Co-founder of the café and if this concept interests you, visit FabCafé’s website for further information.

What is the most unusual request you’ve had?
We had a disabled 17-year old girl (she was wheel-chair bound and she communicated via an ipad) and she asked us for an engraved picture of Cristian Ronaldo on a bar of chocolate.
What advice would you give to someone who was trying to break into the business?
This business isn’t really about tools and machinery, it is about building communities to foster innovation together. The value is what people can create and invent with these machines.
What’s next?
We want to connect the makers’ world with the business world so that many of these creations could be brought into the market and/or become potential successful startups.

What is your dream project?
To build the biggest, baddest open and participatory hub in the world where people, businesses, organizations, institutions –basically everybody can come together, experiment, explore, learn, make and create together.
What is the most memorable moment from your career?
When we finished one of our Ultracamp with kids (9 years old) and they presented their project (demo day). One of the parents came and told me that it’s the first time his kid did something that he had no idea how to do himself, and the kid said to his dad ‘When we get home, I will show you how’. Here is a video of the bootcamp.
If you could only bring three things to a desert island, what would they be?
A tool box (full of tools), a 3D printed figurines of my family together in color, and a hand cranked radio.
How would you describe FabCafe in 80 characters?
A place you can walk-in fab, meet makers and enjoy a cafe at the same time!

Beer or Wine? Wine.
Mac or PC? Mac.
Rome or Paris? Paris.
Cats or Dogs? Dogs.
Train or plane? Train.
Beach or Mountain? Mountain.
Café solo or Café con leche? Con leche.
By Anna Jauhola