The 12 Best Things To See and Do in Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade has it all. Okay, it doesn’t literally have everything, but it has more than enough to keep a grip on even those with the shortest attention spans. This is a city of monumental architecture, tangible history and nightlife that seemingly never stops. If Belgrade isn’t on the top of your Balkan travel list, your list needs to be redrawn.
Kalemegdan Fortress
Park, Historical Landmark
The number one attraction in Belgrade is less a single sight and more a big conglomerate of everything that makes the city great. Kalemegdan Fortress has seen its fair share of conflict over the centuries, but the only violence you’ll see here in the 21st century will involve dogs fighting over a tennis ball. Essentially a huge park, the fortress looks out over the confluence of the Sava and Danube Rivers for what is undoubtedly the city’s most romantic spot.
It also houses the Military Museum and a number of galleries, not to mention some of the city’s most recognisable monuments. In Belgrade, all roads lead to Kalemegdan. Well, not all of them, but you get the point.
Church of Saint Sava

One of the largest Orthodox churches on the planet, the Church of Saint Sava is one of the most identifiable attractions in the entire region. It dominates the city’s skyline, and at 79 metres in height, it is easy to see why. The church was built on the spot where the Ottomans burned Saint Sava’s remains in 1595, but nearly 400 years passed before the church itself was completed. The interior is still under construction, but its unfinished state adds another layer of intrigue to this monumental house of worship.
Knez Mihailova
Architectural Landmark
While it isn’t the geographical centre of the city, Knez Mihailova is without doubt the social midpoint of the Serbian capital. This long thoroughfare is where all strands of Belgrade society come to be seen, whether that is businessmen making deals in cafes or young people running aimlessly up and down it. This is the best spot for a little bit of people watching, and entire afternoons can be spent on Knez Mihailova, watching the day idly go by.
Architectural Landmark

It is known as Belgrade’s Bohemian Quarter, but the use of the word ‘quarter’ is somewhat liberal. Skadarlija is more a street than an entire area, but that street is full of restaurants, bars and cafes, all dotted along the cobblestones that are a delight to look at in the morning and a struggle to walk on when inebriated. Once the domain of poets, academics and drunks, Skadarlija now has both eyes focused firmly on the tourism sector. With that in mind, some of the best restaurants in the city can be found on this short stretch of street.
Museum of Yugoslavia and House of Flowers
The history of Yugoslavia looms large over the entire region, despite only being around for less than a century. The socialist state is remembered fondly by many in Belgrade, and as such, Josip Broz Tito’s grave is an important pilgrimage site for all visitors to Belgrade. The museum itself is a fascinating look at history as it was, and the traveling exhibitions are almost always worth a look. The collection of batons in the House of Flowers is particularly noteworthy, but it is the marble resting place of the Yugoslav leader that correctly takes center stage.
Architectural Landmark
The people of Zemun might take umbrage with being described as a ‘must visit attraction in Belgrade’, as this small ‘town within a city’ is known for its fierce independence. Zemun was swallowed up by Belgrade in the 1930s, but its former position as an Austrian Empire border town means you can find a different atmosphere when compared to the big city centre. Zemun Kej is one of the most engrossing walkways in the city, and the view from Gardoš Hill and the Millennium Tower is one of the finest going. If you’re a fan of seafood, make Zemun your number one stop when in Belgrade.
Nikola Tesla Museum
Ada Ciganlija
Natural Feature

Belgrade may be as landlocked as capital cities come, but the Serbs are nothing if not persistent. Ada Ciganlija, a river island turned peninsula, is affectionately known as Belgrade’s Seaside, and it is generally heaving with people once the temperatures creep above 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) in summer. By the time those temperatures hit 40 °C (104 °F), this is the best place to be. There are plenty of bars around for refreshment, making a day of lounging by the water even easier.
Republic Square and the National Theatre
Architectural Landmark
Belgrade’s Republic Square might seem to have a large number of people loitering on it, but do not fear. This is Belgrade’s main meeting point, where social evenings begin kod konj (by the horse). Some of Belgrade’s most important buildings are found here, including the National Museum and the National Theatre. The museum has been closed for over 15 years now, but the theatre is still going strong. Head to the website for the full schedule, and enjoy some high culture at low prices, a fabulous marketing slogan if ever there was one.
Avala Tower
Architectural Landmark

While not technically a part of Belgrade itself, Avala is a nearby mountain that overlooks the city like some sort of angry big brother, in the familial sense, as opposed to the Orwellian. It is easy to imagine the minds behind 1984’s main antagonist directing traffic from Avala Tower, however, a 205-metre tall spindle that was destroyed by NATO in 1999 before being rebuilt in 2009. This is the tallest tower in the Balkans, and it is arguably the number one attraction at Avala. The Monument to the Unknown Hero gives it a good run for its money, but the tower just about wins out.
Gavez Klub
Nightclub, European
The Gavez Club occupies a forest clearing on Belgrade’s Ciganlija river island, an hour’s walk south of the city centre. Don’t feel guilty about knocking back its colourful rakijas (a potent Balkan liquor made from grapes, plums, apricots and pears), because here they’re said to have magical and medicinal effects. There’s also a small but home-cooked menu of hearty Serbian dishes and a bamboo-covered stage where music and plays are performed. Seating is in a chalet-like interior or outside on wooden benches.
Recommended by Mark Nayler.
Bajloni Market Belgrade
These hugely popular events occur every month at one of Belgrade’s open-air Green Markets. Typically held on a Friday evening between 6pm and midnight, they feature live music and stalls run by delicatessens, homeware designers, restaurants, winemakers and artists. The venue changes each time, but keep your eye open for those hosted by the Kalenic and Zeleni Venac markets, where some of the biggest and best events have been held in the past.
Recommended by Mark Nayler.