7 Cologne Fashion and Lifestyle Bloggers to Follow on Instagram

Cologne is more laid-back than its hoity-toity siblings Dusseldorf, Hamburg, and Munich, but it still has a style all its own. Think of it as Berlin without the Moses beards and ridiculous hats, and, if Instagram is any indication, way more fun. Here are our picks for the most interesting fashion and lifestyle bloggers to keep your eye on in Cologne.
David Renken runs the www.spotlife-blog.com with his partner in crime Thomas Banik and has amassed and impressive 124,000 followers on Instagram. A hodgepodge of relaxed street styles weave their way through the nooks and crannies of Cologne and show just how glamorous walking, leaning, and sitting in varies hoodies and denim can be.
A former lawyer, the fashion blogger Golestaneh has penchant for a Chanel bag or three, and had, for some time, her own store in the chic Belgian Quarter where you could buy many of the outfits seen in her posts.
Lena Terlutter
Tipping the scales with a whopping 330,000 followers, Lena Terlutter holds the keys to the Belgian Quarter in Cologne. With three stores of her own in the super hip neighborhood, Lena is able to offer a myriad of the great clothes, interior design, and lifestyle paraphernalia featured on her Insta feed for sale to the rest of us mere mortals.
The self-described “Instagram Blogger and Editor of The Side View, the men’s blog for fashion, lifestyle and travel from Stuttgart, Germany” is one of Cologne’s adopted sons. Focusing on street fashion and rolling in advertising money, 25-year-old Konstantin flits about Europe showing us how good life can be.
Sebastian Schmidt has left the hoodie and denim jacket behind to show us his rather refined fashion sense, a love for all things luxury, and the occasional glimpse into his personal life. You can also check out his blog www.sebastiansview.com.
Based in Cologne, this marketing manager keeps his feed full of his sartorial adventures through the medium of his weekend getaways through Europe and beyond. Fans of bare, well-muscled chests, take note.
Silvi Carlsson
German actress Silvi Carlsson maintains a mix of down-to-earth street style with a “real” life shared on her feed. Keep an eye out for princess dresses, flower crowns, and days out with the mädels.