Berlin's Top 9 Indie Magazines You Should be Reading

Seek Magazine
Seek Magazine | © Daniel Farò / Courtesy of Cee Cee Creative
Alice Dundon

In an increasingly digital world, there is something truly special about the tactile nature of print. Combining images, words, and design it’s a medium that capturing the voices of a moment. More often than not the magic of the medium is best felt when flipping through the pages of an independent magazine, which seem to be crafted with more detail and design than larger, mainstream publications. Berlin has a flourishing independent publishing scene, and these are the Berlin titles you should be reading.


LOLA is a culture magazine celebrating the spirit of Berlin through in-depth interviews and features. Combining digital and print, the publication explores Berlin through stories, celebrating the culture and people that make the city so special. Offering recommendations, news and an insider’s look at the city, the magazine is also free throughout the city at various venues.

LOLA Magazine Issue 5


Πis an independent fashion magazine and site based in Berlin, that acts as a platform for the German, particularly the Berlin fashion scene. The annual magazine concentrates on showing fashion through imagery, and every issue has 10 photo editorials. In its production Πstrives to maximise the potential of print, aiming to produce a magazine that people want to hold, keep and collect.

ΠMagazine issue 9


Pornceptual is a Berlin-based platform presenting pornography as queer, diverse and inclusive. Pushing the boundaries of mainstream pornography, Pornceptual intersects art and porn to create a different discourse about sexuality and porn. Their magazine delves deeper into different topics surrounding society and sexuality. The latest issue, a response to times of political and social uproar, explores if porn can be used as a weapon of social justice.

Pornceptual Issue 3

Berlin Quarterly

Berlin Quarterly is a review journal of long form journalism, literature and the arts. The cultural journal has a global perspective, combining in-depth reportage and stories that aim to inspire, challenge and resonate with the reader. Based in Berlin, the journal starts here and casts its gaze out across the globe, delving into culture, art and society.

Berlin Quarterly Issue 7


Flaneur combines vibrant design, nomic indie-magazine that focuses on locations, exploring one street per issue. Viewing each street under the lens of history, art, politics and literature, Berlin-based Flaneur uses a single microcosm to tell universal stories.

Flaneur Issue 7


Fireflies is a magazine created between Berlin and Melbourne with a focus on film. Each issue brings together an international group of writer, artists and critics to celebrate the work of two extraordinary film directors. The magazine explores this through personal essays, creative responses, and long-form interviews with the filmmakers selected.

Fireflies Issue 5

SEEK Magazine

SEEK Magazine is the editorial publication of SEEK, a biannual Berlin-based Contemporary Fashion Trade Show. Moving beyond fashion, the magazine explores Berlin’s culture through the lens of travel, music photography, and art. Bringing photography, design, words and prose together and investigating how they inspire contemporary lifestyles and design.

Seek Magazine


mono.kultur is an interview-format magazine based in Berlin, dedicating each issue entirely to one artist. A veteran of Berlin’s indie-publishing scene, mono.kultur has been around for over a decade. Using impeccable design, and an interview process the magazine’s issues delve into many facets of the artist’s life, seamlessly bringing together their background, work, opinions, experience and process. The magazine has previously interviewed the likes of Tilda Swinton, Ai Wei Wei, and currently Trevor Paglen.

Ai Wei Wei Exhibition

The Travel Almanac

The Travel Almanac based in Berlin and New York, is a bi-annual travel journal, focusing on the ways in which movement and location permeate all aspects of contemporary life. Since its inception in 2010, the journal has been an influential, pop-culture publication striving for high-quality, in-depth reportage, interview and literary pieces.

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