The Most Unusual Things to Do in Dresden

Grand Baroque architecture, picturesque river views and turbulent history are ubiquitous when you walk around Dresden. The city virtually bursts at the seams when it comes to sights worth seeing. From oddly themed museums to cutting-edge art installations, here are some unique experiences you can have in Dresden.
Marvel at the church that rose from the ashes
Building, Church

Buy a treat at the real-life Mendl’s Patisserie
Well, almost. Remember the insanely beautiful Mendl’s Patisserie in Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel? The scene was actually filmed here at the Pfund’s Molkerei, a creamery that was founded in 1891. Hand-painted porcelain tiles decorate the walls and the counter where you can buy cute souvenirs and dairy products. If you feel like having a treat, head to the upstairs restaurant for some ice cream or a milkshake.
Listen to rain pipes singing

Float above the city skyline
Take a Trabi tour of Dresden

Get clean at the German Hygiene Museum

Just kidding. The name alone might put people off visiting, but the truth is that the uninspiring concrete walls hold some pretty interesting facts about us as humans that have little to do with disinfectants or toothbrushes. The permanent exhibition rather deals with everything revolving around our bodies and answer questions along the lines of ‘What does growing old feel like?’ and ‘Why do we feel shame?’
Find a treasure