Rankings Reveal This Country Has the Strongest Justice System

Christiansborg Palace
Christiansborg Palace | © Jorge Láscar / Flickr
Aliki Seferou

113 countries were examined for measuring the strongest justice system worldwide and the Rule of Law Index has now been revealed, showcasing the best and the worst performances for 2017-2018.

Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Order and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice are the eight factors that the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® examined in order to measure how the rule of law is perceived by the public in 113 countries all over the globe for 2017-2018.

Each one of these eight factors has its own different subsections so in total the law performance is measured based on 44 indicators. In order to have as valid results as possible, the independent organisation conducted 10,000 household surveys and 3,000 expert surveys for its index. If a country ranks more than 0.80 in the total score, it means that their citizens are enjoying a peaceful life reassured that their government is doing its best to protect them. Those however, that ranked close or below 4 are experiencing a totally different reality.


It should not come as a surprise to anyone that once more the Scandinavian countries ranked better than the rest of the world and occupied the first few places of the list. With a total score of 0.89, Denmark surpassed its neighbouring country Sweden which ranked 4, while Norway and Finland came second and third accordingly. Denmark’s highest score was 0.94 for Absence of Corruption which means that its government officials in the police and military, judicial branch and legislative branch work for the benefit of the public and do not use their positions and authority for private gain.

This isn’t the first time Denmark ranks first in surveys that examine the quality of life. The small Scandinavian country has earned the title of the the happiest nation in the world more than once (even though some people have their objections) and a recent survey showed that those who seek for the perfect balance between work and leisure should move there.

While Danes can sleep easy, as according to the index their fundamental rights aren’t at stake and order and security prevail in the Kingdom of Denmark, citizens of other countries aren’t that lucky. Especially, those who live in Afghanistan (0.34), Cambodia (0.32) or Venezuela (0.29) that are the three countries that ranked last in the The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index®.

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