Local Style Stories: Copenhagen

Rose Maria
Rose Maria | © Aliki Seferou
Aliki Seferou

As the weather is finally getting warmer in Copenhagen and locals start getting their spring clothing out of their wardrobes, we roamed the streets to spot the most stylish Copenhageners and make them share their secrets for a perfect look. Cordial and elegantly styled, Rose Maria – Elle Magazine’s Digital Editor – was sitting by Nørrebro lakes and while soaking up some sun she let us in on her street style inspiration.

What do you do?

I am the digital director of Elle magazine and I am the owner of the byrosemaria fashion blog.

What is style for you?

Style for me is something personal and a way to express myself. I believe style is a way to show who you are.

In the morning, how do you decide what to wear for the day?

Well, I decide what to wear mostly based on what I feel like but it also depends on what I have planned out for the day. If I have many meetings I try to dress a little powerful because I think that the way you dress it has something to do with how you feel about yourself. You can dress confidently, stylishly or casual depending on the occasion.

Rose Maria

Talk me through what you’re wearing and where you bought each piece?

My shoes are Givenchy and is my favorite pair of sneakers because they are very comfortable. Then I am wearing jeans and a casual sweater. On top I’m wearing a nice long coat which I bought in Rome. Actually, this is the first time I’m wearing it for the season because up to now it’s been too cold. So, now that spring has finally arrived I am happy I can start wearing it again. I am holding a classic Chanel bag because even when you’re dressed casually, it always helps to have a little Chanel piece on your outfit. Finally, my sunglasses are Valentino and they are a birthday present from my parents who bought them last year in Marbella in Puerto Banús .

Which piece holds the most memories for you?

I would say that the piece that holds the most memories for me is my bag because I bought for myself when I got the job at Elle magazine. That’s a gift!

Can you remember when you discovered your love for clothes?

Well, I think I was born with the love for clothes.

Rose Maria

Do you have a staple piece or an item you can’t survive the whole week without wearing?

Sunglasses! Every time.

What’s your favorite style story about Copenhagen?

I think Copenhagen is generally a stylish city. I don’t have only one favorite style story because I am working for a fashion magazine, so every day is about fashion and style for me and there are just different stories that blend together.

Which part of Copenhagen gives you the most inspiration for your style?

Sitting by the lakes at Dronning Louises Bro in Nørrebro or biking through the city is what gives me the most inspiration. In that way I get to see a lot of people with different takes and styles and that is definitely what inspires me.

Rose Maria

Do you have any styling hacks or tips?

Dress what you feel like and dress for your body type and don’t be afraid to mix cheap and expensive pieces.

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