Top 10 Things to See and Do with Kids in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Kids at the beach
Kids at the beach | © Lee Simpson/Flickr
Mariela Santos

Keeping children entertained can be a challenge, but luckily there are a variety of kid-friendly things to see and do in San Juan. Outdoor activities are plentiful, so having fun in the sun is easy. When in Puerto Rico’s capital accompanied by young ones, these are some of the best attractions for the family.

El Morro Castle’s lawn

In front of the historic El Morro Castle there is a large lawn that is part of the beautiful scenery, and that visitors can enjoy through a variety of activities. Fly kites, have a picnic, or play games near one of Puerto Rico’s most iconic structures that is easy to reach via car or by walking. If you’re interested in visiting when there’s less chance of the lawn being crowded, try going during a weekday.

There’s space on El Morro Castle’s lawn for kid-friendly activities like cycling and kite-flying

Beach trip

Some of Puerto Rico’s most known and beautiful beaches are located in San Juan. Besides being able to take pretty pictures featuring the kids, children will be able to go swimming and build sand castles. Depending on the beach and the age of the child, it may be possible to participate in other water activities.

Paseo de la Princesa playground

The Paseo de la Princesa in Old San Juan is a promenade perfect for a relaxing walk or bicycle ride among trees and not far from the water. Along the paseo there is a public playground open to children of different ages and it’s common to see kids there enjoying themselves as adults look on.

Paseo de la Princesa fountain

Bicycle ride

A leisurely bicycle ride through Old San Juan provides the opportunity to see the sights while exercising in a way that doesn’t feel like work. Riding a bicycle will keep children busy and could help burn up any excess energy.

Feed the pigeons

This is a simple activity, but one that tourists and locals alike enjoy. There are many pigeons in the Old San Juan area, especially at the Plaza de Armas and Parque de las Palomas (Arms Plaza and Pigeon Park, respectively), and the birds are accustomed to being fed, so they’re harmless.

Family feeding pigeons

Parque Central

Parque Central, which means Central Park in English, is a space with sports facilities such as tennis courts and a soccer field, a playground for children, and racquetball courts. Run by the San Juan government, it also includes a natatorium with an Olympic-sized pool.

Bahía Urbana

Bahía Urbana (Urban Bay) is a boardwalk along part of the San Juan Bay that offers great views of the waterfront and things to do for kids, including a carousel. A section of the area is also used as an open-space venue for musical acts and to sell food.

Part of Bahia Urbana boardwalk

The Wildlife Museum

According to the City of San Juan government website, the Wildlife Museum is the only one of its kind in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, with around 200 mammals on exhibit. The museum is interactive which may help children to enjoy the exhibits more, whether wandering around or taking a tour. Animals that are on display include giraffes, elephants, and lions.

Explore the forts

San Juan is a city with many fortifications that are accessible for the public to explore and offer a living history lesson for visitors of all ages. Most notable are El Morro Castle and Fort San Cristobal, both part of a San Juan National Historic Site and available to view in one day, if need be.

Old San Juan water fountain

Next to El Cuartel de Ballajá, another historic building, and close to El Morro Castle’s lawn, is a public water fountain that’s perfect for cooling off on a warm day. Children make use of the fountain the most and are often seen running around and through the water.

Children playing in Old San Juan’s fountain

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