15 Beautiful Words That Will Make You Fall in Love With the Thai Language

Thai is a difficult language to master. Being that it is tonal, many have trouble pronouncing words as they should be spoken. Do not give up just yet, as Thai has some of the most beautiful words, regardless of how long they take to master. Here are 15 words that will make you fall in love with the Thai language.
ชชมพู: Chom-poo
Pronounce it like this: chawm-poo.

มะลิ: Ma-li
Pronounce it like this: maw-lee.

ใบเตย: Bai-toey
Pronounce it like this: bye-toy.

คิดถึง: Kid-teung
Pronounce it like this: kit-toong.

เมื่อไหร่: Mue-rai
Pronounce it like this: muwa-rye.

อะไรก็ได้: Arai-gor-dai
Pronounce it like this: a-rye-ga-die.

จริงๆ: Jing-jing
Pronounce it like this: jing-jing.

จุ๊บบบบ: Joobs
Pronounce it like this: choop.

โอ้โห: O-HO!
Pronounce it like this: ah-hoo-ah-hoo.

ฟ้า: Fah
Pronounce it like this: fah.

ไอ: Ai
Pronounce it like this: I.

ช้าๆหน่อย: Cha-cha-noi
Pronounce it like this: cha-cha-noy.

พี่น้อง: Phi-nhong
Pronounce it like this: pee-nong.

สวย: Suay
Pronounce it like this: soo-I.

ใจ: Jai
Pronounce it like this: jai.