The 7 Best Seafood Restaurants in Cebu, Philippines

Philippine seafood
Philippine seafood | © Cb Aguito / Flickr
Esther de la Cruz

In a nation of more than 7,000 islands, you know you’re in for some serious seafood. Smack in the middle of the Visayas region, Cebu City is known as the “Queen City of the South.” Historic forts and churches, five-star resorts, and sumptuous seafood are just a few of the best reasons to visit. Here are seven of the best restaurants to feast on catch of the day.

1. The Original AA BBQ

Restaurant, Filipino, Philippine

A family restaurant with a no-frills atmosphere but enough seafood to satisfy the whole barangay (neighborhood), AA BBQ has several branches throughout the country—but “the original” is the place to go for delicious, affordable food with the locals. The buttery baked scallops are a Cebu favorite, but the sizzling bangus (milkfish) also comes highly recommended. Just pick up the goodies you want and hand them to the staff, letting them know how you want each one prepared.

2. Golden Cowrie

Restaurant, Philippine, Asian

Grilled bangus
© Frederik Wissink / SimplyPhilippines
A well-established local haunt serving a large menu of traditional specialties, Golden Cowrie can be depended on to serve true Filipino cooking. The interiors have a rustic, provincial feel, and the staff are on hand to point out the bestsellers. Golden Cowrie is one of few places where you can try taba ng talangka (caviar). If that’s too out there, try the piquant kinilaw (ceviche).

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