How to Dance Sertanejo Universitario Like a Paulista
The Sertanejo Universitario has shaken up the São Paulo dance scene with dozens of clubs now promoting a dedicated night, and many other nightclubs opening just to cater to this tribe of music lovers. The dance itself is not very hard to learn and with a few tips, anyone can grasp the basics of Sertanejo Universitario. Below are the basic steps, all you need to know to head out on to the dance floor.
2-2 Steps
Take two steps to the left and two steps to the right. Then take two steps forward starting with your right leg and two steps forward leading with your left leg. Go back taking two steps starting with your right leg and then two steps back with your left leg. Repeat the entire sequence two or three times.
(To dance with a partner facing you, one will have to do the opposite, so that when one person moves left, the other will accompany, but move right and when one moves forward the partner will move back.)
Leque (Fan)
In this part of the dance, you will move your left foot back at a 45-degree angle and then move back to the original position. Repeat with your right leg. Don’t forget to gently sway your hips to the music.
(To dance with a partner, you will step backwards on the same side as your partner facing you, creating a ‘fan’ movement. Meet in the middle again and then ‘open up’ to the other side.)
Giro Basico (Basic Turnaround)
In this step one of the partners will be ‘wrapped’ in front of the other and then with a turnaround the partners switch places.
Vai e Vem
Very similar to the 2-2 steps, you will take a step forward with your left leg, and take a step backwards to where you were. Now take a step backwards with your right leg and take a step forward to where you were.
(With a partner facing you, one will have to do the opposite, so that when one person moves forward, the other will accompany but move back, and when one moves back the partner will move forward.)
Now just put all these steps together, sway your hips a bit and move to the music.