7 Reasons Why Argentina is the Best Place to Live

Argentina is an amazing place to visit, and an even better place to live. From the cultural capital of Buenos Aires to the desert regions of Salta and Jujuy in the north, Argentina has something for everyone. Here’s why this South American country is the best place in the world to live.
Great food
From north to south, Argentina has a wealth of delicious culinary delights. In the northern provinces you can indulge in tasty fried empanadas served with spicy sauce (often unheard of in the rest of the country), and when you head south to Patagonia, try fresh river trout or mountain lamb cooked over an open fire. And of course, who could forget about steak? Argentina’s mouth-watering beef has been known to turn even the most ardent vegetarians into carnivores. You’ve been warned.

Great wine
Of course, with every great meal, a great glass of wine makes it all that more memorable. Argentina is renowned for its wine all over the world, and you don’t have to be in Mendoza to sample some of the countries most well known varieties, such as Malbec and Torrontes, as incredible wines are sold at affordable prices in every neighbourhood supermarket. Take a wine tour in Mendoza, or head north to the lesser-visited wine region of Cafayate to try some crisp and delicious white wines.
Beautiful landscapes
Spread out over Argentina’s incredible 2,780,000km2 you can find deserts, mountains, rivers, lakes, jungle, wetlands and bustling urban centres. Head to Iguazu to see some of the world’s most amazing waterfalls, or drive the incredibly beautiful Route 40 through Patagonia, where you will pass through the lake district and visit the Alpine town of Bariloche. You can even visit the End of the World, the Argentine city of Ushuaia, the last earthly stop before you hit Antarctica.
Friendly people
One of the best things about living in Argentina are the people. Argentines are warm, friendly, open and generous, and will thinking nothing of inviting you to a barbeque even if you have only met them once. They will happily help you move house and even forgive your beginner’s Spanish. Argentines make amazing friends that you will have for life, and they love to travel, so don’t be shy about inviting back to your home and showing them your culture.

Lots of freedom
Argentina is kind of lawless in many ways. Don’t expect police to stop you driving through a red light, or give you a fine for riding your bike on the pavement. There are no security cameras around the cities like in London, and rules exist in theory only. There is a great freedom in Argentina that has been lost in much of the rest of the world, but of course this also comes with its drawbacks, in that often the country doesn’t run very efficiently. But nothing worthwhile comes without sacrifice!
Good weather
Many people come to Argentina and stay because of the great climate. Winters are mild, with temperatures rarely falling below about 5 degrees celsius, and summers are hot and lengthy. There is also something very satisfying about spending summer in the southern hemisphere when everyone in the northern hemisphere is having to struggle through January! A definite benefit to living in Argentina.
Cultural haven
Argentina is a hotbed of culture, both independent and institutional. It has produced some of Latin America’s most important writers, has a thriving film and theatre scene and a hugely diverse artistic culture. From important art fairs and museums to independent cultural centres, Argentina is a great place for anyone looking to immerse themselves in an historical and contemporary cultural landscape.