The Best Things To See And Do In La Mesa, California

Located nine miles to the east of Downtown San Diego, La Mesa is anything but your typical Southern California suburbia. With stunning natural scenery, a beautiful climate, and a host of unique and authentic stores, this town is only 20 minutes from San Diego. Learn more about what La Mesa has to offer below.

Mount Helix
Park, Theater
Beautiful vistas abound at the top of Mount Helix, one of the highest points in San Diego County. Hikers can see San Diego, Tijuana, and El Cajon from the top, or enjoy theater performances and power yoga at an amphitheater further down the mountain. Mount Helix also offers one of the best views of the sunset on the entire West Coast, so come for the exercise and to see the natural world of Southern California. Mount Helix sunset | © geoff dude/Flickr
Fusionglass Company
At this jewelry store, not only do you have the opportunity to purchase a selection of handmade glass jewelry at fair prices, you can also have a hand in designing your own signature piece. Classes in jewelry design, stained glass, and other arts and crafts are offered to people of all ages at this unique small business. ‘Concerto’, fusionglass creation | © Tara Chabot/Flickr
Lake Murray
A large reservoir surrounded by parkland, Lake Murray is a favorite recreation site for those living in and around San Diego. The lake is surrounded by paved trails, making it the perfect place for an evening walk or jog. One of the few locations in Southern California where you can fish for trout and largemouth bass, the park also offers kayak rentals and is open to private boating, allowing for a calmer on-the-water experience than you would find on the Pacific Ocean. Sunset at Lake Murray | © Bisayanlady/Flickr
La Mesa Walkway of the Stars
This pedestrian parkway has been transformed into urban green-space and is a showcase for local art and culture. The La Mesa Walkway of the Stars, not only a useful through-way when exploring the town, is a great way to get your first sense of the local flavor and history of La Mesa. La Mesa-Walkway of the Stars mural | © Allan Ferguson/Flickr
La Mesa Antique Mall
Stock-full of vintage goods, comic books, antique glass, and furniture, the La Mesa Antique Mall is a gem in the heart of downtown. This store specializes in goods from the 50’s era at very fair prices, which makes for exciting finds and excellent deals. Even though La Mesa is a relatively new suburb of San Diego, you can be reminded of its early days at this unique and quirky establishment. La Mesa antique mall | © Butch Dalisay/Flickr
San Pasqual Winery Tasting Room and Gallery
Winery, Brewery

Any trip anywhere in California is incomplete without a top-notch wine tasting experience, and the best place to go in La Mesa for wine is San Pasqual Winery. Selling reds, whites, roses, dessert, and flavored wines all made in San Diego County, this winery has everything in place for the perfect wine-tasting. Try everything from passion fruit wine along with brie and crackers to sangria with cured meats.
Mission Trails Regional Park

Located just outside La Mesa, Mission Trails is a huge wildlife area full of paths winding through the mountains and valleys near San Diego. Sheer cliffs also make rock-climbing a reality for the adventurous individual. Several small streams flow through the park, making vegetation flourish. It won’t take long to lose view of the city below and soon after beginning a hike you’ll be in true Southern California wilderness.