The Best LGBT Bars In West Hollywood

Summer Powers

While every bar has drinks, and anyone can find a cheap bar, it’s hard to find a place with just the right ambiance to fit any given night. Some nights need a rocking DJ and amazing dancers; some need muted lights and a private corner; others need a combination of both. Find everything expected of a good bar in our list of the top LGBT bars in West Hollywood.

The Abbey Food & Bar

Bar, Gay Bar

Beautiful inside and out: a description of chocolate strawberries, hot spring pools, and a bar equally as delectable, called The Abbey. As the two-time winner of MTV Logo’s Best Gay Bar in the World Award, it hardly needs to be introduced, but as a favorite to celebrities, tourists, and locals alike, it’s definitely worth repeating. Whether sipping on a 10 oz martini at the bar, partying with some cute boys on the dance floor, or gorging out at Sunday’s brunch, there are a million ways to enjoy the Abbey’s services.

The Bayou


Playful and snappy lines jump out from The Bayou website homepage, “Our happy hour is easy and cheap. Like your ex,” giving the peeping-toms of online searching a taste of what’s to come at this Certified Dive Bar. As a must in any bar hopping extravaganza, the Bayou offers drinks galore, spicy Cajun dishes, and loud, fun music to match the rowdy crowd. Put on a pair of Mardi Gras beads, or a sharp ’80s blazer, or whatever fashion the theme night calls for, and party down at the Bayou.

Here Lounge


When on the prowl for a sophisticated bar, Here Lounge is a classy first stop on any bar crawl. Enjoy the music from local and international DJs – as well the professionals dancing to it – or find a quiet spot under the mood lights for a personal chat. Gay, lesbian, straight, or whatever, it does not matter here. On a cool and clear night, take the party outside on their patio, and don’t worry about forgetting a drink; the friendly staff will make sure everyone’s covered.


Bar, Gay Bar

Fubar wants to be clear, just in case there was an impossible mix up, that this is “not your father’s gay bar.” With theme nights like “Saturday Night Slut,” that message was already obvious, but welcome to those looking for a wild night of fun. For a twist on the average club and bar mix, Fubar not only offers spunky dancers, great drinks, and lively music, but comedy hour every Friday night. No matter the mood, Fubar has what everyone is looking for.



For a low-key place to shoot pool and grab a drink with old friends or new, Trunks is the perfect spot. A mix between the typical sports and gay bars, it has an upbeat and friendly atmosphere, without being overly energetic. Try one of their cocktails, or one of their fun and quirky specialty drinks like the Zombie or Don Julio Blanco. This is a “veteran” WeHo bar, and they’re not fooling around – except when they are, which will always be a good time when it’s one of their model-like bartenders.

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