The Latest First Class Flight Perk Will Make You Even More Envious of the Rich

| © Emirates
| © Emirates |  © Emirates

Let’s face it, people are the worst. And flying in economy class means you see a lot of them.

What if there was a way to travel that involved seeing no-one at all? Not even an air steward?

If you pay enough, you can make that happen. Emirates has designed first class suites designed for passengers who don’t want to interact with another human being for the whole flight.

Fancy flying without having to see another human face? Now you can!

The suites were unveiled at the Dubai Airshow, and the company claims they are the ‘first in the industry to be fully closed with sliding doors that extend to the cabin ceiling’.

When you discover what you get when you can afford to splash the cash a little, you’ll be green with envy.

Firstly, the suites are 40 square feet. Passengers don’t need to interact with the crew at all, if they don’t want to. Each pod is completely enclosed, with an en-suite minibar and a service window through which they can be served food and drinks.

The suites have a hatch to put food through, so you don’t have to see anyone

If passengers need assistance, there’s a feature that allows them to use voice or video calls to interact with staff, or if they want to speak face-to-face, there’s a button for that too.

In terms of entertainment, you’ll be spoiled for choice. A 32-inch HD TV has in-flight entertainment and noise cancelling headphones. The amenity kit includes a leather notebook for travel journalling, pyjamas, sleep oil and pillow mist to help you drift into a peaceful sleep.

The lighting and temperature are customisable by a remote control or a tablet, and the seat reclines completely flat and be put into a ‘zero gravity’ position (whatever that is).

The suites are equipped with binoculars to keep an eye on the skies
The beds recline fully and come with cosy pyjamas

If you’ve got real windows in your pod, use safari binoculars to scour the skies for UFOs or examine whatever country you’re flying over. If your pod doesn’t have any wndows, you’ll have ‘virtual windows’ which will stream live views from outside the plane, so you won’t miss a thing.

The six-suite first cabins will premiere on the Boeing 777-300ER aircraft months on flights from Dubai to Brussels and Geneva.

Anyone want to chip in for one..?

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