Street Artist Bambi Unveils Dancing May and Trump Mural in London

Called Lie Lie Land, Bambi’s new work parodies the blockbuster movie La La Land‘s promotional poster, but replaces Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling with a dancing Theresa May and Donald Trump.

‘The original film poster for La La Land is pasted everywhere in London – on buses, on bus-stops, on billboards, a happy couple dancing without a care in the world,’ said Bambi of her new piece. ‘The film was released during a dark political time in our world when our government lied about trident and literally held hands with Donald Trump.’
Found at the corner of 40 Cross Street and Shillingford Street in north London, the work is Bambi’s first of a series planned for 2017 and emphasises her interest in highlighting political and social injustices.

Often focusing on ‘contemporary female identity and its relationship to patriarchal culture,’ Bambi’s distinctive stencil style of portraying notable contemporary figures can be found throughout London.

Remaining anonymous – Bambi is a pseudonym inspired by her father’s childhood nickname – the British street artist has a number of celebrity collectors, including Rhianna, Brad Pitt, and Adele. But fortunately, she doesn’t let this go to her head; she maintains a sense of social responsibility. ‘I think being an artist is about creative freedom. Social comment is always present in my work,’ she explains. ‘Being a woman is also an important ingredient in my images. Emily Davison is my hero – a suffragette who fought for women’s rights and even losing her life to the cause.’