We donned our finest French disguises and Gallic accents and headed off to a secret location somewhere in South London to find out what it was like to be a spy during the Second World War.

Creative Director James Battison talked us through his inspiration for the night, and what attendees can expect. He told us to prepare ourselves to undergo training to become the best possible spies. Guests are also encouraged to sabotage one another where possible, so get your game faces on when you enter the “bunker”.

Our guide for the night was ‘Harry The Flash’, a fast-talking likely lad who had all the answers, even if no one else knew what the questions were.

Battison added how authenticity was crucial to him and how he went about assembling the incredible props we saw on display. We also found out that Allo’ Allo’ was a source of inspiration but that the night itself is its own entity where guests are the show themselves.

Acting in immersive shows

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We also spoke to one of the cast taking part in Shh! Maman Le Mot and found out about what it was like to act in the production.

Dan Mullins plays the bumbling Colonel Gubbins, and his video presentation at the start of the night as well as his accompanying directions, were one of the highlights. Mullins told us how the people who attend the event are the best part of every night for him.

We also found out the key differences between acting in immersive theatre as opposed to conventional stage or screen productions.

To book please visit the A Place in Time website

‘Shh! Maman Le Mot’ runs from a secret location in London until March 31st and April 1st.

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