The Best Cafés and Coffee Shops in Bristol, UK

Bakers and Co, Bristol
Bakers and Co, Bristol | © Courtesy of Bakers and Co
Colette Earley

Bristol is most definitely blessed when it comes to cool coffee shops, with an abundance of independent venues offering up the finest, locally roasted blends and tasty treats. Here’s our guide to the top Bristolian cafés to visit when you’re in town.

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Tincan Coffee Co.

Courtesy of Tincan Coffee Co.

There are many coffee shops located on Bedminster’s lively North Street, but Tincan tops them all. Nestled on a corner next to a pizzeria, the coffee shop is decorated with an urban Brooklyn vibe, and serves delicious coffee, along with an assortment of baked goods and a simple brunch menu. And the friendly staff are just the cherry on top of a great coffee experience.

Boston Tea Party

There are, in fact, two Boston Tea Party locations in Bristol, but we’re going to talk specifically about the one on Park Street, for its convenient location next to some great stores. This is a great stop-off mid-shopping trip to refuel. It may look small upon entry, but there’s a huge upstairs and a pretty garden area for the spring and summer months. With good teas, coffees, smoothies and juices – and a delicious breakfast, brunch and lunch menu – this is definitely a must-visit coffee shop.

Small St. Espresso

What Small St. Espresso lacks in size, it makes up for in delicious roasted coffee. An independent coffee shop, run by true coffee connoisseurs, you’re going to have a life-changing cup of Joe in this place. With a small selection of sandwiches and baked goods available too, stop by for a catch-up with friends or to do some reading – you’ll definitely get a peaceful moment here.

Full Court Press

Situated just off the busy Corn Street, Full Court Press is a wonderful coffee shop with a great vibe that wouldn’t look out of place in trendy Shoreditch. With an array of different blends, roasts and milks, it may take you some time to actually decide what it is you would like to drink, but luckily the staff are there to help – and they know pretty much everything there is to know about how you should be drinking a certain type of coffee. If you’re looking for a cool location to enjoy your caffeine-fix, this is it.

Playground Coffee House

You need to visit (the aptly named) Playground Coffee, even if it’s just to sit on a swing! Yes, that’s right – there are swing seats at this café! Not to mention great cakes, a selection of drinks and nice décor. This coffee shops also doubles up as a bar, open until 11PM, serving amazing coffee-based cocktails!

Little Victories

Little Victories is the brother of the aforementioned Small St. Espresso, but a popular coffee spot in its own right – boasting much more space than its sibling store. Located in the recently opened Cargo area, the interior is chic, with the menu tiled behind the counter, hanging plants from the high ceiling and wooden seating. Expect creative types tapping away on laptops and friends catching up over flat whites. Little Victories is also open later on certain nights, and serves amazing espresso martinis and cheeseboards, among other tasty treats.

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