Cowboy Training in Western Town of Laredo... in Kent

It looks and feels like a typical town in the Old West, if everything we have seen in the movies is to go by, but the authentically detailed town of Laredo is actually based just outside of London, at a secret location somewhere in Kent.
As The Magnificent Seven hits shelves on DVD and Blu-ray today, we set off to learn some of the skills used by the likes of Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt in the movie. Initial fears that it would be impossible to recreate anything approaching the furthest reaches of America were quickly dispelled by the walk along the main street into the saloon that dominates Laredo.
After a quick pit stop at the waterhole, Cassam Looch then took on the challenge of trying his hand at being a real cowboy.
As you can see, some of the skills are more difficult to master than others. Knife-throwing and gun-slinging were a breeze but the ‘lasso’ said about Cassam’s handiwork with the cowboy accessory of choice, the better.
We also spoke to one of the residents of Laredo who told us about some of the films and TV shows that have been made there. Fans of sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf will no doubt recognise the location as the setting for the episode Gunmen of the Apocalypse.
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‘The Magnificent Seven’ is out on Blu-ray and DVD now