Inspiring TED Talks By Speakers From The UK

TED had humble beginnings in 1984 as a conference about Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Now covering every aspect of society in over a hundred different languages, TED has developed into a global phenomenon and institution. These eight inspiring talks from British speakers is just a glimpse at what TED does best.
Charles Hazlewood and the British Paraorchestra
Watch the embryonic version of the world’s first Paraorchestra perform for the first time together in 2011.
Brian Cox: Why We Need The Explorers
During the economic downturn of 2010 Professor Brian Cox spoke about why science deserves to receive investment and what this investment can produce.
Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?
English author, speaker and advisor Sir Ken Robinson discusses the downfalls of the present-day education system and how we should nurture creativity instead.
Magnus Walker: Go With Your Gut Instinct
Sheffield-born secondary school dropout Magnus Walker convinces us why we should go with our gut instinct and not be afraid to follow our dreams.
Caroline McHugh: The Art of Being Yourself
Caroline McHugh helps people to identify and be their true self. In this talk, she addresses what makes people stand out from a crowd and why we should all follow their example.
Eleanor Longden: The Voices In My Head
Eleanor Longden gives a brutally honest account of how she developed schizophrenia, her hospitalisation, and how – by listening to the voices in her head – she led the way to her own recovery.
Dr Alan Watkins: Be Brilliant Every Single Day (Part 1)
Founder and CEO of Complete Coherence, Dr Alan Watkins shows us how to be brilliant every single day.
English eccentric Goldie talks about being abandoned by his parents at three years old, and how art and music saved his life.