Spectacular Places to Cycle in Stockholm

Stockholm is a cyclers paradise
Stockholm is a cycler's paradise | ©Bengt Nyman/Flickr
Judi Lembke

With a highly developed bike path system that covers most of the city, Stockholm spoils visitors for choice when it comes to spectacular places to cycle, but some spots are better than others. From boulevards to bridges to wide open spaces here it’s time to grab a bike and start peddling.


Djurgården is home to some of Stockholm’s top attractions but that only tells a small part of the story. Much of the island oasis in the centre of the city is given over to nature, with canals, forests, and winding paths that are happily shared by walkers, joggers, and cyclists. The best way to enjoy it is to just choose a path and go.

Djurgården is a cyclist’s paradise


Just north of the city Hagaparken is a massive green space that attracts city dwellers all year round. Bike to the Copper Tent and have a fika, then carry on around the huge lake and through the forests, where paths are well-maintained and solitude and peace is the name of the game.

Cycle to Hagaparken’s Copper Tent


This tree-lined boulevard is hugged on one side by the water and by the most expensive real estate in the city on the other. The path running down the centre is built especially for bikers and walkers, so stay on your side and watch out for kids who haven’t quite gotten the hang of things!

Strandvägen Bike Path


Another prime strip of real estate, Karlavägen is one of the longest streets in Stockholm, with a wide tree-lined path running down the middle. If you follow it all the way to the end, you’ll eventually end up in the wide open spaces of Gärdet, where you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of the countryside. Yes, you will see deer.

Cycle Karlavägen to Gärdet


There is the old Lidingö Bridge and the new Lidingö Bridge — and the old one has been given over to cyclists, joggers and walkers. There is a clearly marked bike path that splits into many, many bike paths that take you all over the island. You can bike all day and not see the same thing twice.

Cycle over Lidingöbron and explore the island

The City

We started out telling you that Stockholm has an extremely well-developed bike path system and we weren’t joking. Stockholm is committed to making the city bike-friendly so as long as you stay on the bike path (or ride with traffic where there isn’t one) you will have no trouble with cars or pedestrians. Biking around the city might just be the perfect way to enjoy it.

Bike paths snake throughout Stockholm

Use our handy map to find the most spectacular places to cycle in Stockholm:

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