The 10 Best Coffee Shops in Podgorica, Montenegro

Podgorica doesn’t get the glut of visitors that Montenegro’s seaside does but there are plenty of reasons to pay the capital a visit, and an impressive roster of coffee shops is among the most appealing. These are its finest cafes.
If you find yourself walking the streets of Podgorica in desperate need of a caffeine fix, you are undoubtedly in the right place. Montenegro’s capital has well and truly caught the coffee buzz, so make a beeline for these spots when in town.
Cafe, Coffee Shop, Contemporary

Sometimes it is easy to forget Podgorica is the capital city of a modern republic, but cafes like Zrno bring you hurtling back to reality. That isn’t just because of the rejuvenating qualities of its coffee either. This is an impressively contemporary spot that wouldn’t be out of place in Belgrade, Zagreb or Ljubljana. Popular opinion states that Zrno makes the best coffee in town, and popular opinion might just be right on this occasion.
Coffee Shop, Cafe, Contemporary

The clue is in the name, right? All things coffee are embraced at Caffeine. Whether you are looking for that early morning jolt of life that an espresso provides, or something a little more comforting on a cold winter’s afternoon, Caffeine will provide it with spades of charm alongside. It also does a fine run of coffee cocktails, which you should not knock until you’ve tried them.
Cafe, Coffee Shop, Pub, Bar, Contemporary
Something of a Podgorica mainstay, Warhol is a long-standing city charmer that is as convivial in the morning as it is energising in the evening. If the name suggests a plethora of pop art then you aren’t going to be disappointed, although the work of the cafe’s namesake is often foregone in favour of more local independent options. There is plenty of live music too, although don’t expect this to take place when the first coffee hits the table.
Bar, Cafe, Coffee Shop, Contemporary

Bokeška is arguably the coolest street in all of Podgorica, and Soba might just be our favourite spot on that famous thoroughfare. It is designed to resemble someone’s living room, albeit the living room of someone with plenty of friends and no shortage of drinks to offer them. On the one side of the room we find a shelf full of well-fingered books, while the window to the world is massive to say the least. Needless to say, the windowsill seats are the hottest real estate in the room.
Terminal 4
Cafe, Coffee Shop, Cocktail Bar, Bar, Contemporary

A shopping centre might not sound like the most appealing location for a cafe, but what if we told you that the coffee house was actually located on the roof of the mall? That is exactly where we find Terminal 4, a hypermodern establishment on top of the Delta City mall. The interior is excellent in its own right but the real value is out on the terrace, as Podgorica spreads out in front of you.
Cafe, Coffee Shop, Contemporary
Renk is like an overexcitable mind come to life. As much a shop as it is a cafe, this is the perfect place to look at some unique clocks or get some work done as you sip some of the finest brews in Podgorica. There simply isn’t anywhere else like it in the city. It also gives thumbs up to pets, so expect to see plenty of fashionable young folk with equally fashionable pups hanging around.
Bar, Pub, Cafe, Coffee Shop, Contemporary
A favourite with students and digital nomads alike, Džada is a splendid place for a coffee whether you have a deadline to meet or not. Its terrace is one of the most popular in the city from early in the morning until late in the evening, by which time the steaming coffees have been replaced by something a little stronger. The whole thing starts again the next morning as the regulars hit the establishment in search of productivity or a miraculous cure for their hangovers.
Kuća Kafe i Čaja
Tea Room, Cafe, Coffee Shop, Contemporary

The House of Coffee and Tea isn’t messing around with its moniker and it isn’t wasting time with its beverages either. Hot drinks made with passion and care are the name of the game here. There is a real attention to detail with the drinks, whether it is the picture perfect caffe lattes or the embracing of classic tea drinking culture.
Coffee Shop, Cafe, Bar, Contemporary

Featuring some of the most intriguing interior decor in the city, Mehanizam is another excellent coffee option in Podgorica. Steampunk is king in this joint and the impressive design can partly be attributed to a local art troupe by the name of Žižo Mural, whose work can be found all over the city. Mehanizam is a splendidly relaxed place, the sort of spot where you can look up at the clock and realise that a whole day has passed.
Hotel Podgorica
Hotel Restaurant, Cafe, Coffee Shop, Contemporary

While the hotel itself is something of an overly designed concrete monolith, the terrace cafe offers some of the best views in the city. Those vistas are embellished by excellent coffee too, making this one of the best spots in Podgorica. The views really are magnificent, with Podgorica’s many bridges acting as gorgeous signposts along the Morača river.