25 Photos That Prove Berlin Is Most Beautiful in October

Mushroom Picking
Mushroom Picking | Courtesy of Dayna Gross
Dayna Gross

Berlin‘s reputation for unforgiving winters doesn’t mean it’s lacking in its incredible (and photogenic) autumn, when seas of selfie sticks disappear and trees begin exposing the most magnificent colors. Don’t believe us? Here are 25 pictures to prove it that Berlin is at its most gorgeous in October.

Witness Tempelhof at its finest.

Autumn sky over Tempelhofer Feld

Did we mention how beautifully saturated the city becomes in October?

Berlin Bahnhof

Here’s proof that the sky over Berlin is the same as in every other city (but with sweet lighting to boot).

Berlin’s Parkplatz

Teufelsberg coloured by autumn is worth a bike ride and a full day’s visit.


There’s certainly no shortage of graffiti in Berlin, but the city really comes into itself in and around October.

Berlin’s stunning graffiti

Swans swimming in Berlin’s canals year round are beauties to behold – from a distance, of course. Don’t be fooled by their charm, they’re not nearly as friendly as some believe.

Swans in Berlin

October and November might be the last times Berliners risk the cold autumn weather and warm up at a local Kneipe.

Getting cosy with a beer

Some of Berlin’s most photogenic landscapes lie in its tracks, bridges and canals.

Autumnal industry in Berlin

Alternatively, opt for clouds in Berlin’s October sky as precious photography models.

The sky over Berlin

By the time the leaves change colours and start to fall in early autumn, outdoor museums (such as the Jewish Museum) begin to transform and take on new meaning and beauty.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin

Few things announce ‘Autumn is here!’ like a golden lakeside mirror.

Hubertus Lake

And nostalgia is imminent when Berlin’s bridges are set against an October dawn.

Berlin’s bridges

Finding the perfect off-the-grid spot in Berlin means witnessing changing seasons from the best vantage point.

Berlin’s street art

Visiting just after summer, when crowds have thinned, is the best time of year to find yourself on a private tour of Berlin’s abandoned buildings.

Berlin’s iconic abandoned buildings

Yellow leaves fall and fill the Berlin’s landscape painting the city aglow.

Autumn in Berlin

German culture isn’t the only kind to explore in Berlin.

Erholungspark Marzahn

Berliners are nothing if not prepared for emergencies, including nature’s call.


Even in cooler times, galleries still brim with art lovers eager to view fine work.

Subrosa exhibit at Berlin Art Week

Berliners – still in Berlin in October.

Tell us a story

You and your friends can smoke indoors and out, rain or shine.

Hook up some hookas

Even Ronald Reagan visited in Berlin in October (albeit some decades ago).

President Reagan giving a speech at the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Federal Republic of Germany. June 12, 1987

The Spree River is still flowing.

Spree river in Berlin

And marketplaces are still going strong.

Vintage photos at markets

Berlin’s unique architecture takes on a glowing halo at dawn and dusk.

Berlin in October

Did we mention saturation?


Now try to convince us why Berlin isn’t groovy in October (but don’t really because we’re already here).

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