The Best Cheap and Smoky Bars in Copenhagen

Like most of the European cities, Copenhagen has implemented a smoking ban policy and since 2007 smoking is not allowed indoors at public spaces. However, this regulation doesn’t include cafés and bars smaller than 40m2. So, if you want to enjoy a cigarette while drinking a cold beer, worry not. You won’t have to go out on a cold winter day to indulge in your favorite habit. Scroll down and discover the cheapest smoky bars in town.
Bo-bi Bar
Bar, Pub Grub

Bo-bi Bar, one of the oldest bars in town, is situated just off the touristic pedestrian street Strøget. With its bizarre red and gold wallpaper, the faded curtains and the small wooden tables decorated with black and white checkered tablecloths, the small smoky bar has been locals’ favorite since 1917. In the past it has been a hangout for authors and journalists but even today writers and artists of all kinds visit it for one — or more — early drink. The smoky bar serves all kinds of booze at low prices until the last-call bell rings at 1.30am.
Byens Kro
Bar, Pub Grub

Just a few meters away from Bo-bi Bar stands another renowned smoky bar, Byens Kro. It is usually packed from early on but its long wooden tables are shared with more than one group of friends. It is a good way to mingle with locals and hear some stories from the cold north while enjoying your drink. Professional and amateur artists choose this place to exhibit their artwork, so the walls are regularly covered with quirky paintings, creating a unique decoration.
Moose Bar
Bar, Pub Grub

Serving booze until the early morning hours, Moose is the ideal choice for night owls. The graffiti-painted walls, the ashtrays full of cigarettes and the rock music at the background are some of the elements that give an underground atmosphere to the place. Foosball fans will be thrilled to discover the “hidden” back room where locals passionately spin the handles of an old worn-out soccer table in hopes of winning a couple of free shots.
Bar, Pub Grub

Quite similar to Moose when it comes to style and prices and just 10 minutes away, you’ll find Floss. The fact that the place is packed after midnight until 2am — even on weekdays — goes to show that it’s a local favorite. This might be because two bottles of Carlsberg cost just DKK30 (US$4) or because the room downstairs is filled with comfortable couches and pool tables. If soaking up your fluffy winter sweater in thick smoke isn’t a problem, definitely check this bar out.
Cafe Salonen
Cafe, Restaurant, European

From morning ’til 9pm Cafe Salonen is a café and restaurant where delicious hamburgers and hot chocolates are served to locals and tourists who roam around the city center. The cozy bistro with the ’60s decoration is situated just in the heart of Copenhagen, making it the perfect place for a brief stop during a morning sightseeing exploration or an evening walk. The moment the clock strikes nine, the lights get dimmer, the music gets louder and the coffee cups are replaced with glasses full of beer.
Trabi Bar
Bar, Pub Grub

Trabi Bar is located in the heart of Nørrebro and is known for its low prices, high-quality vodka and excellent — rock — music choices. Beer lovers won’t be disappointed as the bar offers a great selection of tab and bottled øl. The stands by the big glass window have a nice view of Folkets Park but only early birds are lucky enough to grab one. Friendly faces behind the bar and free snacks on the tables create a super cozy atmosphere that keeps us coming back.

Nørrehus is one of the most popular Bodegas in Nørrebro and is the top choice among Copenhageners who want to get drunk on the cheap. The crowd here consists of 20-something boys and girls to 60-year-old Danes. Karaoke nights take place once a week while the other days the jukebox that stands in the corner spills music of any kind. Make sure to have some coins in your pocket and take the reins to entertain the crowd.
Temple bar
Bar, Pub Grub

The two-floor bar located on Nørrebrogade Street is known not only for its low prices but also for the special student offers. Smoking is not allowed on the ground floor but those who want to have a cigarette while enjoying a drink only have to walk up the stairs. Plus, on the second floor there is a big glass window offering a great view of Nørrebro’s Central Street and a pool table for those who want to practice their skills. If however, billiard is not your thing, relax on the big sofa by the window and observe the coolest neighborhood’s nightlife.
Cafe Osborne
Bar, Cafe, Pub Grub

Situated on one of the most hipster streets in Nørrebro, Cafe Osborne is nothing like its neighboring cafés. The wide television screen above the bar shelves is a sign that it’s the favorite place of football fans but when the match is over, the place transforms into a dark underground bar. Photos of the world’s most famous musicians hang on the walls, adding an artistic touch while the thick smell of cigarette and booze lingers in the air.
Eiffel Bar
Bar, Pub Grub

Located in a small alley at Christianshavn, just a few meters away from Christiania, Eiffel Bar is open every day from morning ’til 3am. A beer costs just DKK20 (US$2.80), so it’s not a surprise that it is packed with people of all ages even in the weekdays. The place is very small and tables are usually shared with habitués always eager to strike up a conversation. Eiffel is a mix of locals, expats and tourists, making it the perfect bar for those who want to expand their social network and make some new friends.