10 Ways to Turn your Weekend in Bulgaria into a Wellness Retreat

Treat yourself to a spa visit in Bulgaria
Treat yourself to a spa visit in Bulgaria | Pixabay
Maria Angelova

Bulgaria is blessed with so many natural mineral springs (more than 700, actually) that it would be a shame not to take advantage of the healing and beautifying power of nature and indulge in a weekend of bliss. Here are ten ways to do that while in Bulgaria – with specific beauty treatments and some of the best spa destinations around the country.

Indulge in rose therapy

Bulgaria is in the top three rose-producing countries in the world, and its specialty is Rosa Damascena – a variety used in the finest French cosmetic products and perfumes. As you are in Bulgaria, head for the Rose Valley, choose a spa hotel, and try every treatment including rose oil or rose water. You will love it.

Bulgaria is a top rose oil producer

Try a Bulgarian yogurt facial

Bulgarian yogurt is famous for its health benefits. Bulgarians have produced it for centuries, and it is well known for its energizing and revitalizing power. Enjoy the best of it by not only eating it but also booking a facial using yogurt as a base.

Try a yogurt facial

Head to Dobrinishte for spa and ski

The southwestern town of Dobrinishte gets the most crowded in winter, because it offers the blissful chance to spend a day skiing in Bansko or Bezbog and then spending the evening in hot mineral water. There are hotels of different categories to meet every taste, and the local cuisine is wonderful.

Dobrinishte offers both spas and skiing

Drink mineral water from Sofia’s central spring

Sofia has numerous springs, too, but what is the best about them is that some of their water pours out of drinking fountains in the very center of the Bulgarian capital. Go to the left of the façade of Sofia History Museum, and you will see one of these fountains. You can drink directly from the tap and provide your body with some valuable minerals instantly.

Drink free mineral water in Sofia

Breathe in mountain air in Velingrad

Head for the Rhodope Mountains to visit the town that has been awarded the Best Spa Destination prize for the last couple of years. You will breathe fresh mountain air and be treated like a king (or queen), since Velingrad boasts a number of five-star hotels.

Velingrad features some of the best spa hotels in Bulgaria

1. Go for a soak in Hisarya


Hisarya is a small town in Central Bulgaria famous for its mineral water treatment ever since Ancient Roman times. Actually, that was the reason a town was built here, and after your spa treatments, you can take a walk around to see the remains of the once imposing fortress.

Hisarya has been a famous spa destination since Roman times | Pixabay

Float in open-air mineral pools

At some point, you might tire of being closed inside the confines of spa centers. Not to worry. You can combine both mineral water treatments and breathing fresh air. Some of the spa destinations that offer you the opportunity to soak in mineral water under the stars are Shipkovo, Hisarya, and Sapareva Banya.

You can choose an open-air mineral pool in Bulgaria

Enjoy a mud treatment by the sea

You can extract elements good for your health from the natural mud found at some points along the Black Sea coast. Pomorie is famous for its healing mud. You can find mud at many hotel spa centers or at sanatoriums, where you will be under medical care. Another good mud destination is situated between the city of Burgas and its airport – the Burgas Salt Pans.

Mud therapy

Relax with herbal therapy

Bulgaria is rich in wild herbs, and you can try their positive effect on the body. Some spa studios create their own herbal scrubs, and many varieties are available in the cosmetic shops, too. Finish with a cup of herbal tea.

Herbal therapy

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