The Best Cafes in Sarajevo, Bosnia

Cafe culture thrives in Bosnia and you’ll find cafes full of locals from the early morning until late at night. The laid-back approach and emphasis on spending quality time with friends is a legacy of the 400 years under the Ottomans. Sarajevo bursts at the seams with coffee shops offering a variety of atmospheres from the high-end franchises in the city centre, to the hidden holes in the Bascarsija. Here are some of the best cafes in Sarajevo to enjoy a strong cup of Bosnian coffee.

August Cafe
Cafe, Coffee

Nestled in a hidden spot in Sarajevo’s City Centre, the August Cafe is always rated as one of the hottest spots for young locals. Families, couples and solo travellers will always feel welcome. Expect a relaxing atmosphere with gentle music and a range of coffee and sweet snacks available, including their famous sweet and savoury crepes. You can come here to get your morning dose of caffeine, breakfast, brunch or later in the evening for alcoholic drinks. Make sure you chat to the owners who are always more than happy to provide tourists with tips and suggestions. And, rumour has it that the husband was once a famous footballer, which he’s always eager to discuss.
Kaffa Cafe
Cafe, Coffee Shop, Coffee, American
Sarajevo’s Bascarsija, or the Ottoman Old Bazaar, is full of places to enjoy a cup of Bosnian coffee. Kaffa Cafe is a favourite for both locals and tourists in a prime location near the shops, attractions and Copperware Street. You can choose between indoor and outdoor seating with the second being more popular during the warmer months for people watching around the main square. A variety of coffee including the strong Bosnian type along with cappuccinos, Americanos and others are on the menu.
Caffe Kamarija-Point of View
Cafe, Coffee, Italian, Vegetarian
If you’re looking for a cafe with some of Sarajevo’s best views, check out Caffe Kamarija. Hidden away in the hills near Yellow Bastion, a passerby would be forgiven for thinking the building was a treehouse. Few visit giving you a more local experience with a special ambiance created by the background music of pop-rock and gypsy styles. A variety of cakes and sweets come with your coffee or tea, which is best enjoyed watching the sun dip below the horizon over Sarajevo.
Ort Caffe
Bar, Cafe, Coffee, Pub Grub
Located on Zelenih Beretki Street in Sarajevo’s centre, Ort Caffe is a favourite for young locals looking for their morning coffee to start the day. The crowd is mostly made up of Sarajevian students chatting with friends or preparing for their next class. Few tourists visit and it’s easy to strike up a conversation with English speaking students who are always happy to practice their language skills. You have the choice between an indoor and outdoor seating area and a variety of drinks including coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks.
Cafe Tito
Bar, Cafe, Coffee