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This Enlightening Map Shows the Literal Meaning of Every Country's Name

| © Credit Card Compare

Have you ever wondered what the name of a country means? What it REALLY means?

This map has the answer.

It shows the historical meaning of each country’s name, as far back as their earliest literal translations go.

Surprisingly, a lot of factors seem to influence the name of a country, from geography to climate to wildlife. Andorra, which means ‘Shrub-Covered Land’, and Spain, which means ‘Land of Many Rabbits’, are good straightforward examples of this.

Sometimes the name is a term which describes the inhabitants of a country, such as Macedonia, which means ‘Land of Tall People’.

Some countries have beautifully poetic names. Argentina, whose name means ‘Land Beside the Silvery River’, is a case in point.

Papua New Guinea, which means ‘Frizzy-Haired Men’, would surely agree with the fact that not all country names are complimentary – but France, whose name means ‘Land of the Fierce’, must be happy with their designation.

The US might win the prize for most to-the-point name, with it meaning exactly what it says – the ‘United States of America’.

The map was created by Credit Card Compare, and it certainly has the potential to make travelling more interesting. ‘Where are you going?’ your friends ask. ‘To Middle Kingdom,’ you reply, confident that they’ll think you’ll cool and exotic when you’re actually just popping to China.

Do you think that the name of your country accurately represents what it’s like?

About the author

Alice is always planning her next meal. She studied English at the University of Bristol before getting her Master’s in newspaper journalism from City University London. She worked on Femail at Mail Online for 18 months writing about lifestyle and food and has also worked at Metro.co.uk, The Guardian, Mumsnet and The Sun. After starting at Culture Trip as a Social Content Producer writing travel and lifestyle stories, she was promoted to the role of Food Editor and now specialises in culinary culture, trends and social issues around food. When she’s not writing, eating or travelling, she can be found cooking overly elaborate dinners, reading cookbooks in bed or playing with her cat, Orlando. Her favourite foods include fishfinger sandwiches, burnt caramel panna cotta, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and oysters.

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