Fashion Bloggers from Malaysia You Need to Follow

Keeping up with Asian fashion, beauty and lifestyle trends can be quite dazzling, but these Malaysian bloggers have managed to successfully set their own pace and styles. They provide insights into life in urban Malaysia, tips for travelling the world in style, share advice for what works for Asian skin types, and develop new looks for tropical weather. Here are 10 Malaysian fashion bloggers you need to follow.
Grace Myu
Beauty and lifestyle blogging is her focus, and Grace Oon enjoys success as one of Malaysia’s top female bloggers, known as Grace Myu. A full-time writer and model, Oon shares her experiences and advice on many fashion and beauty-related high-profile events and brands, and brings the behind-the-scenes life of notable models and makeup artists into the spotlight. Oon also owns a side business selling female apparel online.
Jessica Chaw
With a passion for fashion, food, beauty, and life itself, Jessica Chaw travels mainly around Asia, and features styles that work in the region. Blogging about trends comes naturally to this young fashionista, and she seems to effortlessly showcase quirky urban casual wear in-line with current Japanese and Korean favorites. Her writings are dreamy and wanderlust-filled and her social media presence is friendly. Jessica is sure to give you some new ideas for putting together your own look.
Stephanie Lim
Stephanie Lim covers travel and beauty and is fond of the glamorous, finer things in life. A true jet setter, there is never a dull moment in her social media and blog posts. Stephanie often covers familiar large store brands, so her followers can be on the lookout for the affordable apparel she features in stores near them.
Duo Gigs
The ultimate icons of Asian fashion, these twins have made international headlines as models and stylists. Their blog Duo Gigs generally features edgy urban and chic casual styles, as well as current trends, seasonal looks and sneak peeks into runway events. Living the high life to the fullest, their travel diary is full of the best spots to visit, and educates about foreign cultures.
A veteran to the blogging scene, Cheesie has been a full-time writer of lifestyle, food and beauty pieces since 2004. She now lives in Japan with her two adorable children. While her posts are now dedicated mainly to family life, her sense of style still stands out in her many amazing pictures, and she remains a must-follow blogger.
Daphne Charice
Lifestyle and fashion blend seamlessly in Daphne Charice’s musings, from personal thoughts to travel and music. A casual artist and writer, Daphne has an easy-going manner and writes thought-provoking words. Her visual blogging on social media is also a treat, as she showcases her outfits with classic coolness and enthusiasm for music.
Sabrina Tajudin
Conscious of consumers who have special beauty needs, Sabrina Tajudin focuses on halal and vegan beauty products, and even owns her own brand. She brings simple yet quirky styles to Muslim ladies. She also dabbles in lifestyle and travel blogging, featuring her delightful family and Malaysia itself.
Brian See
Brian See has taken the male fashion blogging scene by storm. Currently a full-time model, See blogs about his travel experiences and self-care. His eclectic style is reflected in his social media, where fans can follow his newest features, current favorites and some runway events.
Harmini Asokumar
Professing a love for beautiful things — especially if they have a mermaid theme! — Harmini Asokumar showcases amazing Malaysian locations. She also blogs product reviews and about her experiences running an online store. Harmini has enjoyed success as a featured model for many local businesses, both online and at launch events. Her fashion blogging mainly occurs through social media, and she’s one of the top-followed local Instagrammers.
Max Law
To fully express his passion for fashion, Max Law establishede MaxMayo, a blog about men’s high fashion. His website offers recommendations and features the latest ‘it’ things and trends for the modern, classy male. Law has enjoyed immense popularity as one of the few male fashion bloggers from Malaysia catering to his own gender. He leans towards the traditional luxury brands.