Must-Have Kawaii Brands from Japan

| Photo by Laurentiu Morariu on Unsplash
Alicia Joy

Tokyo Writer

From girly designer wear to funky, lovable accessories, Tokyo knows how to do kawaii. Check out these 10 must-have super cute fashion brands from Japan.
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Q-Pot is a kawaii jewelry and fashion brand. Their specialty is taking stereotypically cute and girly foods like donuts, macarons and ice creams and turning them into jewelry. They also make clothes using similar motifs. Q-Pot’s flagship café and shop is located in Aoyama.


Swankiss is a sweet, feminine fashion brand often featured in Larme magazine, billed as a “Sweet and Girly Artbook”. It’s geared towards girls in their teens and early twenties.

Honey Salon by Foppish

Honey Salon’s styles are more mature, but still girly and cute. The brand uses interesting textures like silk ribbons and fluffy pompoms to add visual interest and a touch of kawaii to their fashions.

Emiria Wiz

Run by Ageha model and cabaret hostess Emiri Aizawa, Emiria Wiz makes cute clothes for women in their twenties and thirties. The brand’s motto is, “Everyday kawaii”.

Honey Cinnamon

Honey Cinnamon takes inspiration from the past, making retro styles elegant, cute and modern. From their heart shaped sunglasses to boots emblazoned with teddy bears, almost everything in their shop can be considered kawaii.


Pink-Latte is in Harajuku’s SoLaDo building, wedged between WEGO and Lovetoxic. This super cute brand has items like to-go smoothie shaped bags, chocolate bar socks and popsicle crested tees.


Milk is a popular fashion shop in Harajuku. The style has elements of both “sweet Lolita” (ama-loli) and retro fashions.

One Spo

One Spo’s style can be described as Harajuku girl meets elegant lady, although the brand concept is “the balance of sport and sexy”.

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright has been a Lolita style staple for nearly three decades. Their decadent, feminine fashions are nothing if not kawaii.


Spinns is a fashion boutique with two shops including their flagship in Harajuku. They carry their own in-house brands as well as featured pieces from up-and-coming designers, fashion students and vintage pieces.

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