Culture Trip's Carbon Action Plan - July 2022

Culture Trip

We’re in a climate emergency. We all need to change the way we live in order to reduce our carbon emissions. And we, like all businesses, have a responsibility to change the way we operate. Current IPCC advice is that we urgently need to cut carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030, to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming. That’s why we’ve declared a climate emergency, and are working hard to reduce our impact on the planet.

As part of our wider commitment to responsible travel, we’ve implemented a Carbon Action Plan, which will focus our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.

Our plan has four key steps: measure, reduce, remove, communicate. We don’t have all the answers yet, and we know we’re not perfect, but we knew we had to start.

We will continue to update this plan as we learn about our carbon footprint and evaluate our inventory.

1. Measure

Each year, we measure the carbon footprint of our entire business, including every single trip. That includes the way you travel, the places you stay and the food you eat.

2. Reduce

We’re going to reduce our carbon footprint each year. This means cutting carbon emissions wherever we can. After we’ve measured our entire carbon footprint, we’ll set annual reduction targets that will hold our teams accountable and guide their decision making, ensuring we reduce the carbon footprint, but by no means the quality, of our trips.

3. Remove

We’ve partnered with Path Net Zero to offset the emissions of each of our Epic Trips, Mini Trips and Sailing Trips.

Path Net Zero uses Gold Standard-certified carbon offsetting projects and programmes.

The projects include reforestation, generating new renewable energies, and sponsoring eco-initiatives and wildlife eco-projects – all critical to the sustainability of the travel industry.

4. Communicate

We’re sharing our progress. We’re transparent about our impact and honest about where we can improve. We know we’ve got work to do.

We’ll work with our team, suppliers, partners and others in the industry to create a sustainable travel industry.

We’re advocating for change across the industry, calling on governments and other industries to join and support our work towards a sustainable future.

We don’t have all the answers, but our aim is to constantly improve our understanding of our emissions and make changes that lead to real progress.

Future Updates:

By end of this year we will have measured the carbon footprint of our entire business.
By end of this year we will have set internal reduction targets.
By end of this year we will be able to set a target date for when we are going to reduce our emissions by 90%.
By end of next year we will report on our efforts and results.

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