Johannesburg's Top Vinyl Stores

Record Mad in Linden might be small but boasts a big record collection
Record Mad in Linden might be small but boasts a big record collection | Courtesy of Record Mad

Vinyl has made a major comeback in the mainstream, and music-lovers and record collectors spend years building and refining their collections. Here are a few of our favourite spots in Johannesburg to get your hands on vinyl – old and new.

1. Record Mad

Shop, Store

Recordmad , Johannesburg
Courtesy of Record Mad
Record Mad, situated in the ever-so-trendy Linden, specialises in new and second-hand vinyl LPs, as well as 12″ and 7″ singles. The store is filled with rock’n’roll classics and frequented by locals and visitors alike. What’s more, Record Mad sells online as well.

2. Micogram Music Traders


Best vinyl store Micogram Music Traders
The beauty of Micogram Music Traders is that they sell mostly second-hand vinyl and, if you’re struggling to find a classic, you’re bound to find it here. Discover the store in Northcliff Square shopping centre and make sure you have time to spend browsing – they’re the biggest used vinyl, CD and DVD retailer in the city.

3. Just CDs

Shop, Store

Unlike its name might suggest, Just CDs sells much more than just CDs. The store is famous among Braamfontein residents for being the number one spot to buy music and, although its main focus is on jazz, they stock a variety of other genres.

4. Collector’s Treasury

Bookstore, Store

Collectors Treasury, Johannesburg
Courtesy of Collectors Treasury
Collector’s Treasury is the largest second-hand bookstore in Africa with a dedicated section for vinyl. The massive warehouse can be found in Maboneng and has so many records, it’s impossible to dig through them all in one visit. It’s recommended to simply pick a section and slowly filter through.

5. Vinyl Joint

School, Store

Vinyl Joint has been importing vinyl to South Africa since 2001 and their main focus is house music. This store is specifically designed to cater to DJs, as they only stock high-quality vinyl. Vinyl Joint also runs a DJ school for those wishing to refine their skills.

6. Mr Vinyl


Mr Vinyl, Johannesburg
Courtesy of Mr Vinyl
Mr Vinyl has a brick-and-mortar store in the 44 Stanley complex, as well as an online store. They sell new and used records and everything else vinyl-related, from turntables to record display stands. This is one of the more popular vinyl stores in the city, as it’s located in a busy shopping complex and offers fantastic service.

7. Mello Music


When you find yourself in the streets of Maboneng, make sure to pop into Mello Music. The store stocks mostly jazz, soul, funk and R&B titles, and also hosts live music events. It’s a great spot to soak up the lively atmosphere of the neighbourhood.

8. Stanley Beer Yard

Market, Store

Record collecting
© Roman Kraft/Unsplash
Not specifically a record store, this pop-up market deserves a mention nonetheless. On the first Sunday of every month from 10AM to 3PM, Stanley Beer Yard hosts the country’s biggest vinyl market. Browsing vinyl and sipping on craft beer has to be the perfect way to finish off your weekend.

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