13 Things You'll Only Learn if You Visit South Africa

Thanks in a large part to its accessible wildlife, beautiful scenery, competitive prices, and friendly, welcoming population, South Africa has become a top global tourist destination since the advent of democracy. There are some things that many visitors don’t know until they actually spend some time engaging with the country on an extended visit, so here are 13 things tourists will learn during a trip to South Africa.
South Africa is still grappling with the legacy of Apartheid
It may seem surprising to anyone who watched South Africa’s transition to democracy that the country is still grappling with the legacy of this oppressive political system. Though the country embraced the notion of ‘The Rainbow Nation’, a visit to the country will reveal that it takes more than 23 years to correct the wrongs of a multi-generational oppressive regime.
The country’s constitution is the most inclusionary in the world
South Africans speak 11 official languages (and plenty of unofficial ones)
Well, not all South Africans. Most business is still conducted in English or Afrikaans. But as an acknowledgment to the country’s diversity, the new constitution recognises 11 official languages. Though English is the most commonly spoken language both officially and commercially, it’s only the fifth most spoken home language. The languages visitors will hear most often depends on where they are—many are dominant only in certain provinces.

(Some) sport is very important
South Africans take their sport very seriously. Soccer, rugby, and cricket have religion-like statuses in some circles around the country, and it’s not uncommon for cities to come to a standstill over big games. Soccer—or football—is the most popular sport by a long way though historically, the country’s cricket and rugby teams perform better on the world stage.

Braaing is not the same as barbecuing
South Africa produces more beef than any other African country, and its population consumes vast quantities of meat each year. Much of this is cooked on an open flame, or braai, that any local will say is a process unique to the country. Though it resembles a traditional barbecue, there are several small variations and traditions that make braaing a matter of national pride.

We have a crime issue, but it’s not as bad as international press make out
Crime is an issue in South Africa. Muggings, hijackings, and other violent crimes have made headlines locally and around the world. However, the reality is that the country is not as unsafe as many people think. Gang and domestic violence have caused crime figures to remain problematically high in certain parts of the country, but tourists are most often victims of the type of petty crime common in big cities around the world.
South Africa is large and getting around can take time
South Africa is a big country—it takes an almost two-hour flight or a full day of driving to travel between Cape Town and Pretoria. Travelling at rush hour will also alert tourists that the country’s big cities have a bit of a traffic problem. With limited public transport options, it pays to rent a vehicle, but our roads, signage, and general infrastructure is world class.

There’s one street that was home to two Nobel Peace Prize winners
South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world
The divide between the rich and poor in South Africa is large, and it’s one of the most unequal societies in the world. Poverty is still an issue throughout the country, and many South Africans still live in informal houses on the outskirts of big urban centres. Though the government is making an effort to provide housing to all residents, it will take many years to reverse the issues Apartheid’s land and housing policies towards black people caused.
The country has the longest wine route in the world
South Africa is a major player in the global wine industry. Though South Africa is only the eighth largest wine producer in the world, the country is home to the longest wine route. It stretches along the southern coast—from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth—and is 850 kilometres (528.2 miles) long.

South Africa is a major mining hub (but many assets have left our shores)
South Africa is a major producer of gold, diamonds, and platinum. The most famous of these resources happens to be the largest gem-quality rough-cut diamond ever found. It weighed in at 3,106.75 carats (621.35 g). Today, the diamonds cut from the original stone are on display in the Tower of London as part of Britain’s crown jewels. Learn more about South Africa’s mining history at several museums located throughout the country.

The first heart and penis transplants were conducted in South Africa
Minibus taxis are the main way South Africans get around, and they’re unlike any other form of public transport
Though a fully integrated part of many South African lives, the necessary but often reviled minibus taxis are truly unique. Established as a means of informal public transport to help people get to work from Apartheid-created townships on the outskirts of cities, these converted vans and minibuses help residents get to and from work via complex networks and usually with their own set of rules. They’ll stop pretty much anywhere to pick up and offload passengers, and many drivers are selective about which rules of the road to follow. Though many are unsafe and overwhelming, these are a fascinating essential service at their core that people will only start to understand when they visit South Africa.