Essential Tips for Millennials in Lagos

There are Millennials, and there are Lagos Millennials. Anyone new to Lagos can easily spot this not so elusive breed going about their activities. What’s more, if one falls into this age group oneself, and finds themselves struggling to navigate the sprawling megacity that is Lagos, look no further. Here are tips to navigating, experiencing and making Lagos your own personal heaven.
Lagos is not like anywhere you have ever been or lived in.
Understanding and accepting this premise is the crucial first step for the fruitful relationship between yourself and the city of Lagos.
Familiarise yourself with Nigerian Twitter
In the pantheon that is social media, the Nigerian Facebook and Twitter community carries immense value. Settle in to the close knit online community of bloggers, hipsters, sports lovers, political activists, and get familiar with the Nigerianisms of the moment. A Nigerianism is a phrase tailor-made to suit Nigerian sentiments, often disruptive of grammar structures. Examples include: ‘I am unable to can’, (I cannot comprehend) and ‘what a wow ‘(unbelievable).
Master the transport system
We all agree Uber is a godsend, but these days you simply cannot wait to drive through the legendary Lagos traffic, so a keke napep ( a small motorised scooter) will get you to your destination faster than you can spell Lagos. They are also incredibly cheap, and give one a sense of adventure. Just don’t stick your head out while the Keke speeds along.
Find your happy hour bar

Luckily, Lagos is an alcohol-friendly town. A good way to make first and fast friends is to check out the bars around town. For the urban millenial chill out, head to Scratch and Social, the new watering hole, where you can get your nails done, play a game of Taboo or get local temporary tattoos while enjoying some splendid cocktails and music.
Pick your mobile office.

Lagos consistently continues to attract hoards of diasporans back home, working and building. If you are a member of the creative class, one of the fastest growing in the metropolis, you will need a mobile office on the days you can’t make it to your real one. A mobile office should have essentials such as internet and a good view, in addition to favourable snacking options. Nothing embodies the young and mobile working vibe like the Cafe Neo chain of stores around Lagos, each as distinct and fabulous as the other.
Find your Zen

Lagos is hectic. Constant traffic, a shaky power supply and a barrage of colourful characters daily. You need some time to retreat into yourself and find your centre. Luckily the town is equipped for all your zen needs with a series of spas and yoga classes. Stranger Lagos, the urban concept space, offers weekly yoga and meditation classes in addition to artisanal coffee and weekend film screenings. The perfect hideaway from the city’s madness.