The Best Coffee Shops in Accra

Coffee beans
Coffee beans | Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash
Hakeem Adam

No need to skip your coffee fix when you visit Ghana’s capital. Accra has a thriving cafe scene made up of locally-owned independent places to international chains. Besides the obvious beverage, these places also offer smoothies and even West African staple, jollof rice. So where does in find the good coffee shops in Accra?

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Cafe Kwae

You won’t forget spending time at Cafe Kwae, not just because of the warm and cozy space it occupies in the gorgeous and imposing Airport One building or the simple yet awesome menu, but because of how warm and receptive it is. This wholly Ghanaina-owned and operated coffee shop is redefining how such spaces operate in Accra, with reliable Wi-Fi, good food and welcoming staff. Café Kwae is in Airport City, one of Accra’s plush commercial districts. Whether working alone or having a small group meeting, Café Kwae will definitely make you feel comfortable as you enjoy their awesome menus of salads, pastries and coffees.

Vida e Café

HTHTP1 Flat white coffee, in a restaurant, on a wooden table HTHTP1_

South African coffee shop franchise Vide e Caffè has established a solid presence in Accra with four branches around the main business centres. Their signature red cafes have warm, modern feel with their minimal use of wood and bright coloured walls. Vida e Caffè provides a range of coffees, teas, yoghurt, freshly baked pastries and salads. Having multiple locations through the city all means that they are quite easy to reach, no mater which part of Accra you’re in.

Second Cup

International coffee shop chain Second Cup recently launched in Accra and has gone on to establish a foothold in the industry. They are located at the Accra Mall and Achimota Retail Centre, making them quite convenient to reach for quick meetings. Second Cup provides excellent and affordable coffees but it’s their signature smoothies are that are the top seller. Second Cup is great for brunch or late afternoon meetings, however peak times like lunch time can get crowded. Nevertheless, it is slowly becoming one of the most popular coffee spots in the city simply because of the quality service and convenient locations.

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