10 Of Roger Ebert's Most Memorable Quotes

Roger Ebert was the world’s most prolific and well-known film critic for many years. He believed in the relatively of a film’s merits, meaning a film didn’t need to be the next Citizen Kane for him to recommend it. Thus, an action movie could be as good as an art film. In his long career of reviewing films, he gave us tidbits of truth about movies, life, and love.

‘In the previous century the movie theater was often, in smaller towns and cities, the only grand architectural statement, save perhaps for a church or courthouse. They unashamedly provided a proscenium for our dreams.’

‘We live in a box of space and time. Movies are windows in its walls.’

‘Some movies, even good ones, should only be seen once. When we know how they turn out, they’ve surrendered their mystery and appeal. Other movies can be viewed an indefinite number of times. Like great music, they improve with familiarity.’

‘When I am writing, my problems become invisible, and I am the same person I always was. All is well. I am as I should be.’

‘The point is not to avoid all stupid movies, but to avoid being a stupid moviegoer.’

‘No good movie is too long, and no bad movie is short enough.’

‘When a movie character is really working, we become that character.’

‘Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.’

‘If the British monarchy is good for nothing else, it’s superb at producing the subjects of films.’